9 wk old chick – Coccidiosis and sour crop?

I battle coccidiodosis routinely. Very frequently I see what appears grossly to be sourcrop as a secondary problem stemming from the GIT slow down. Normally I cull as birds show problems coping but with some birds of particular interest I invest more in to salvage, Keep fluids to bird as it will be dehydrated in a big way. I also will commit some voodoo that seems to work in improving odds of chick survival. In addition to the use of a coccidiostate (Corid), I also mix electrolytes into the drinking to help control spasms / tetany. To this I also include a water soluble antibiotic to suppress secondary infections that attack the damaged intestinal tract. The electrolytes also contain vitamins which should hamper the coccidiostat action but from what I have seen that is not the case. The voodoo part is off label use and I am not a vet so take that into consideration if your are to follow my advice.

Also keep birds from getting chilled as their thermoregulatory abilities are degraded big time. Mine try to run a fever if they can. Do not loiter as delaying treatment decreases odds of recovery.
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I've been giving her a few drops of water every so often. I want to get the corid in her. Last time she tried drinking out of the water dish own her own after i took the dropper away. Then she stood up and walked around a bit. A bit later she raised her head and moved it to the side like she was trying to readjust her crop.
I battle coccidiodosis routinely. Very frequently I see what appears grossly to be sourcrop as a secondary problem stemming from the GIT slow down. Normally I cull as birds show problems coping but with some birds of particular interest I invest more in to salvage, Keep fluids to bird as it will be dehydrated in a big way. I also will commit some voodoo that seems to work in improving odds of chick survival. In addition to the use of a coccidiostate (Corid), I also mix electrolytes into the drinking to help control spasms / tetany. To this I also include a water soluble antibiotic to suppress secondary infections that attack the damaged intestinal tract. The electrolytes also contain vitamins which should hamper the coccidiostat action but from what I have seen that is not the case. The voodoo part is off label use and I am not a vet so take that into consideration if your are to follow my advice.

Also keep birds from getting chilled as their thermoregulatory abilities are degraded big time. Mine try to run a fever if they can. Do not loiter as delaying treatment decreases odds of recovery.
I also disagree with the notion that giving vitamins hinder the actions of Corid, because just giving food would do the same. What antibiotic have you used this way while treating with Corid? Many antibiotics are listed in Mercks manual as helpful in treating coccidiosis, although most people use Corid or sulfa.
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Update -

I was completely wrong. Wasn't her crop at all. She had an abscess. The vet drained it, but she has a low chance of survival. He said if she makes it through the weekend that will be a good sign.
I was just going to post and ask you how she was doing after finding your thread a little while ago. So sorry to hear about her abscess. I hope she surprises the vet and pulls through.
She ate really well when she got home. That was good to see. Unfortunately she has been trying to peck at her tube. I'm trying to make a makeshift e-collar for the night.

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