Have you tried force feeding her with a syringe? You can make a soupy type of mixture with her food and water. Give her electrolytes and keep wath. Good luck!
You might have to tube feed her just a bit. Look up tube feeding on this site. There's tons of info and it's actually really easy to do. You don't want her getting any weaker so if she isn't getting nutrition or fluids it's best to tube some. You can try the syringe but there's a chance she could aspirate some of the food and end up worse off than before.
I had to learn tube feeding last week and as intimidating as it sounds I had it down after one try. And they really don't seem to be uncomfortable. She won't like it the first time but they learn fast that it makes them feel better
Great! Hope she keeps improving! Keep doing what your doing!!! Good luck!!!!!!
I found a large bruised area around her neck where the fox grabbed her. I think she has some pain thee and is why she likes liquids but not solid food right now. Her energy level is better and she's moving at her own pace.
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That's good. The bruise should heal itself. Just keep watching it to make sure nothing happens to it. I'm glad she's doing better. Try to soften her food with water. That should make it easier to go down and less painful for her. Hope she heals fast!
My barred rock has survived TWO fox attacks (and one red-tail hawk attack). Both left pretty nasty but shallow skin injuries where feathers and skin were pulled off. Both times I brought her straight inside the house and hold her in my lap in a towel while checking her over and kept her inside for the rest of the day both times as she was too scared to go right back outside. Then I carried her into her run where she knows she is safe and kept her and the rest of the hens in. She was able to roost on her own.

To treat her skin wounds I snipped off any hanging skin that I could tell would just die anyway, and removed the pulled-out, stuck-on feathers, and gently dabbed with a clean, wet, warm washcloth, and applied antibiotic ointment. Even over messy/bloody areas. For the next week i went into the coop every night while she roosted and applied the ointment. She did heal although there are some bald spots and she never developed an infection.

The attacks changed her behavior for quite some time. She was very skittish and scared to come out of her run, and she also dropped in the pecking order immediately. She eventually returned to normal both times, although she never came back to top pecking order! She remained skittish outside for many weeks, though.

She will probably eat/drink again as she calms down. You can offer her treats to tempt her, all kinds of soft and healthy foods and fruits. She might also prefer to be back with her flock? She may go back to normal more quickly that way. Good luck!
I agree with AC77. You should start fitting her back in with the flock. Supervise at first. It best to keep her inside until she shows more interest in food. Make sure she is eating a good bit before you let her back out permanently. Good luck!!!
Half the flock was killed, so not many left. I put her back with the others a few days ago. There's no picking or fighting. She's moving around the coop but not willing to venture out just yet. She's still skittish.

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