
The Midgets are a fine table bird, they won a blind taste test this year hands down. Matter of fact one will be on out Thanksgiving table.

Steve in NC
That is a good site , Kevin has some very very nice birds. If you ever have any color genitics questions he is the one to ask.

Steve in NC
Noted and granted. No doubt they have not been handled.

Ditto. I've got a Wild Eastern and he's more friendly than my chickens! Loves scraps as much as them too. LOL I got him because I wanted a smaller table bird, since there's only 4 people to feed... but now he's a pet.
Don't give up on the poults yet give them time! they are also not used to you either and its nature more for a turkey then a chicken not to trust us if they hadnt been handled or do not know us.
I'd give them at least 4 weeks.

Again they could be 'wild' as in not handled, I've heard it can be difficult for a novice to tell the difference between eastern wild and standard bronze (all I've got are Blue Slates and Royal Palms). Feed them extra yummy treats for now to try and get them socialized.

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