99% sure there hens

Really? cuz in my experience hybrid have always been less scared of people. but even so, I wouldn't say this is the most accurate way to determine

I've had Black Sex Links for years, and they have been some of the friendliest chickens that I've owned (friendlier than my Barred Rocks were). It's probably pointless to debate whether or not these are Barred Rocks or Black Sex Link cockerels. I certainly don't claim to be infallible in distinguishing the youngsters, despite that fact that I've had both. Since hatcheries have at time mixed them up, it's probably safe to say that there aren't many people who can look at a picture of them and infallibly tell which they are, especially where hatchery grade Barred Rocks are concerned. But one thing is certain, time will tell which they are. Good luck on them being Barred Rock pullets.
I've had Black Sex Links for years, and they have been some of the friendliest chickens that I've owned (friendlier than my Barred Rocks were).  It's probably pointless to debate whether or not these are Barred Rocks or Black Sex Link cockerels.  I certainly don't claim to be infallible in distinguishing the youngsters, despite that fact that I've had both.  Since hatcheries have at time mixed them up, it's probably safe to say that there aren't many people who can look at a picture of them and infallibly tell which they are, especially where hatchery grade Barred Rocks are concerned.  But one thing is certain, time will tell which they are.  Good luck on them being Barred Rock pullets.
Thanks and man my sex links weren't to person friendly
. This is the last thing I'm gonna post on this I think they look just like any barred rock I have had in the past
Thanks and man my sex links weren't to person friendly

That just goes to show that there are always exceptions with every breed. I think with many breeds including sex links, it often depends on the particular strains. In fact, its more varied with sex links than with standard breeds because different hatcheries don't always use the same breeds to produce their sex links. Black Sex Links are produced by crossing a red gene roo with a barred gene hen. Most hatcheries use RIR roos X BR hens, but some BSLs are produced by crossing either Production Red or New Hampshire Red roos and either Dominique or Cuckoo Marans hens. The problem is even worse with Red Sex Links, which are a red gene roo X a silver gene roo. Hatcheries frequently use either RIR, Production Red, or HNR roos X White Rock, Rhode Island White, Silver Laced Wyandotte, or Light Sussex hens. The hatcheries then market these Red Sex Links under a lot of different labels, such as Red Star, Brown Sex Link, Gold Sex Link, Golden Buff, Cinnamon Queen, Bovans Brown, Golden Comet, Hubbard Golden Comet, Isa Brown, Shaver Brown, Babcock Brown, Warrens, Hylines, Gold Lines, Lohmans, Lohmans Brown, etc. That's why, when you find hatcheries that have strains with good temperaments, it's a good idea to continue ordering from those same hatcheries.

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