
em-wah is currently bleaching out my incubator. Can't have my BYC buddies toasting in a stinky oven.;)

:oldWith 15 to 5 Roo/Hen ratio, Sterilization is a greater concern than Fertilization. I will pre set candle. Avoiding micro cracks, poor air pockets and double yoko oh-no's. (Yoko ruined the Beatles.. John was the eggman.... a goo goo gajoob.. get my humor?)
I'll have the LG9200 running by morning. Acclimating and tweaking the temp prior to December eleventh, set day.:cool:

Looking FWD to the suspense and much as my 6-pack of friends are.:wee

"Sitting in an English Garden waiting for the Sun. If the Sun don't come you get a tan from standing in the English Rain"
John Lennon/Paul McCartney
Information from the manufacture from one of the most popular incubators available in my Region. Via local stores.
Most of my local Hobby Farm associates are using these incubators currently.
If in fact you are going to be using one of these particular models, I suggest you invest in an aux temperature & RH meter and use them as a second opinion reading. Having multi LG 9200s, each and every one has inaccurate Temp/Humidity readings. In recent past I have almost doubled my hatch rates by purchasing an aux meter for less than $20 at Wally World.

If you are running "still Air", you want to go slightly higher than 99.5*F. I will shoot for 100.5-ish.
Also when I run still air, I re position the location of the eggs upon turning them. Since still air is warmest upon directly under the heating elements.
They need to be turned at a minimum of 3X a day as well.
Since I am using LG's, I thought I would share that information.
I wish good fortune to all the Hatch-a-long-yees!
Information from the manufacture from one of the most popular incubators available in my Region. Via local stores.
Most of my local Hobby Farm associates are using these incubators currently.
If in fact you are going to be using one of these particular models, I suggest you invest in an aux temperature & RH meter and use them as a second opinion reading. Having multi LG 9200s, each and every one has inaccurate Temp/Humidity readings. In recent past I have almost doubled my hatch rates by purchasing an aux meter for less than $20 at Wally World.

If you are running "still Air", you want to go slightly higher than 99.5*F. I will shoot for 100.5-ish.
Also when I run still air, I re position the location of the eggs upon turning them. Since still air is warmest upon directly under the heating elements.
They need to be turned at a minimum of 3X a day as well.
Since I am using LG's, I thought I would share that information.
I wish good fortune to all the Hatch-a-long-yees!

I'm currently using one from TSC. I must admit, it works AMAZINGLY well. We had an additional thermometer and hygrometer inside it, and ALL of the numbers stayed within 1-2° of temp and within 2-3% humidity of each other.

My issue is, the automatic turner stopped working. Overnight, it didn't turn at all I believe, and the motor was so hot it was almost on fire. We were told we had to return the entire incubator to get a refund or exchange, which just couldn't happen as we had eggs in the bator at the time! Our local TSC didn't have another one in stock, and I KNOW they would've just switched out the turner for us.

We're going to bleach the bator today.... get it up and running. I'm also gonna dig out the turner and see if maybe it will work. I doubt I'll use it, as turning by hand is fine for me. I already have phone alarms sets from the last hatch! :D
@Farmer Connie boooo hisssss bad form Peter....!!!!!
No comprehend..

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