A alert problem


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
Sometimes I am waiting for replies one one of my threads, but I never get any alerts. Then when I go to my thread by clicking 'forum', then the section it is in, I find it has some replies! Why does that happen? I guess I can't rely on the alert section? :( I really don't want to miss some good replies. By the way, I think @ladybugchickenfarms had the same problem, here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/song-of-the-moon-a-wolf-rp.1294682/page-204#post-21687152

Right now, it's the latest post on that thread. But, when you see this thread, it might not be.

Thanks in advance!

Cluckmecoop7 signing off....:frow
I have also experienced something similar!

Sometimes I get an abundance of notifications but then sometimes people reply but I don't see their replies unless I go on the thread and check.

Makes people think I'm ignoring them :confused:

I only ever use the mobile version so maybe it's related to that? I'm not sure.
When you post a new thread, did you click on the "watch this thread" at the bottom before you posted? If you dont you wont get any alerts. You can also click on the "watch thread," at the top of the post.
When you post a new thread, did you click on the "watch this thread" at the bottom before you posted? If you dont you wont get any alerts. You can also click on the "watch thread," at the top of the post.
I look at that every time I post a thread and the little box is always checked. :hmm I really want to know the problem!
I know this is and older thread, but I’m experiencing the same problem. I’ll watch a thread, get 3 or 4 alerts for it, and after that, I don’t get any more alerts unless I unwatch then rewatch the thread. I have to continually do that to get any alerts.When I check even though I got no alerts, there’s multiple pages I didn’t get alerts for!
It’s driving me crazy!

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