a bargain @ 18.5 million?

IBS = Irritable Bowel Syndrome

I would much prefer a farm house than that thing. While I could deal with it and architecturally, it is interesting, I like the good ol' country lifestyle and/or mountain living (ie, cabin). Who would want to clean 10,000+ sq ft! And 8 bathrooms? Thanks, but my 2 bathrooms and 3 bedrooms is perfect for us. And keeping up with 1320 sq ft is more than plenty for me, thank you!
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It's too contemporary for me too. I like it conceptually, but not for living. My life is not so spartan. While I like having my toaster off the counter and in the cupboard, I have many other things on the counter that we need every day.

A high end log cabin would have been majestic on this property.

The outside looks like a huge mobile home that has been split on the end. I don't like the outside footprint at all.
Those modern styles are very exciting and nice to look at - but do you know just how much (*&)(*&* cleaning all those shiny surfaces need? and a single sock on the floor ruins the whole look. Once upon a time, I had a midnight job of cleaning very large model homes for a developer. At first sight, I loved all that stainless steel and glass. After a few days of using the special cleaners, so not to scratch or blemish, to get all those finger prints off everything I swore NEVER to get such things ever. I don't care if I could pay an army of maids, it just isn't liveable to me.
But it sure does look wonderful.
OK- So I am not uber-contemporary, but I LOVE that house. They picked a style, went nuts, and were consistant.

PLUS- any contemporary "over-indulgence" can easily be softened with choice plantings outside, a good hand for decorating, and about 3 small boys and a truckload of hotwheels/leggos.

Feel free to get it for me for xmas!
Can I get a "What!WHAAT!?"
You are not alone!

wouldn't that be nice to live in! You can have the west wing, i will take the east wing................hahahaha
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