A Barred Owl!


Free Ranging
Feb 25, 2019
New Hampshire
My Coop
My Coop
Because of a likely predator scare Wednesday night, I kept my chickens in their enclosed run yesterday.

Last night I heard the distinctive "who cooks for you" call of a barred owl. I was able to find him in an oak tree along side the coop area.

Any idea how long it'll hang around so I can let the girls range again?

We had a hawk that would fly around the duck pen & scare the ducks when they were out in the yard but thankfully never attacked them but I knew when the hawk was around because the crows would fly into the yard & start screaming & chase the hawk, after about 2 weeks the hawk was gone. So, maybe the crows will scare away an owl??
If the tree is a day roost, it may be around for a good while. If it is there hunting and is around consistently, then more likely than not it is catching something, most likely rodents. Barred Owls for me have only been a problem with your chickens roosting in trees. They are not at prone to go into structures or hunt on ground like Great-horned Owls do.
I don't really know except the one Owl that was up in a tree here left because the crows began to pester it in the morning..I never seen it again..
I accidentally let the flock out of the run today (pooch pushed it open and the walked out underneath him. I'm planning on leaving the dog out with them tonight as a deterrent. Fingers crossed.
If the tree is a day roost, it may be around for a good while. If it is there hunting and is around consistently, then more likely than not it is catching something, most likely rodents. Barred Owls for me have only been a problem with your chickens roosting in trees. They are not at prone to go into structures or hunt on ground like Great-horned Owls do.
Thank you. They aren't much bigger than the chickens but something scared them silly on Wednesday night :

Barred owls are a constant here 24/7/365. They have never attempted to take any of my hens that free range daily. Barred owls are not a threat to chickens.
I just recently stated letting them out within about 1/2 acre electric net area. They'd been great until Wednesday night when I found them all scattered and not back in their run or coop. None were hurt or missing but it did make for an interesting rescue and recovery mission!
Well, my chickens get scared of everything. Anything that is different they go crazy
I'm new to chickens. I worried that my pullets were not cautious enough. They show no fear on my dog, even walking under his legs. I feared they wouldn't react if coyotes showed up. But they did seem to have instinct to scatter and hide when something scared them on Wednesday.

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