A Bielefelder Thread !

You could buy from Greenfire for less as they recently lowered their prices. Greenfire charges $59 for girls and $29 for boys. Here in MD, the price is even lower. girls sell for $25-30. Boys are usually free.
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Not bad, thats a nice dark brown egg, but not as Dark as Welsummers get

I will try to snap some photos the next time I am at his farm.

Update: I found one:

The one on the left was from what he called a Kedu and the one on the right is a Bielefelder pullet egg.

Brown egg layers are not always easy to get consistent egg color. And that's a pretty dark egg for a Bielefelder IMO - about as dark as my Cuckoo Marans who didn't really lay chocolate but certainly darker than some brown layers. And Welsummer is a different type of brown layer - a lot of speckling which my Marans did a lot too. I agree about getting good camera shots of egg colors. My Ameraucana blue egg always comes out deeper blue in photos than in actuality. Even the egg color charts online should only be a general guideline and aren't really true to color because of website, camera, and lighting conditions. And no wonder Bielefelders have big appetites - they need to get enough nutrients to lay those huge eggs! Our Ameraucana lays the largest eggs in our flock and she has the biggest appetite but we don't mind because her eggs are XL and 5-6/per week!
I got eggs from Omega Hills Farms. I got two shipments. I ordered 2 dozen eggs and got two shipments a week apart of 18 eggs each week. The first order I had 3 eggs broken on shipment, my son broke another egg at lockdown and had 6 eggs hatched. The second order I had one egg cracked on shipment but got 10 of the 17 to hatch. I was very happy with the hatches. After being burnt from a hatchery I was very weary of getting hatching eggs. Thanks Omega Hills FARM
I thought y'all might like some comparisons. First picture bielefelder egg against leghorn. The second pic is leghorn on top bielfelder second duck egg in bottom
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I am not sure if is the good care and lots of socializing my Bielfelder chicks received prior to their arrival but these little chicks are the sweetest, calmest and friendliest chickens I have raised.Well, they are not that little anymore, already at 10 weeks, they are as big as my Faverolle hen!
The Bielfelders seem to have no problem wanting to mix in with the flock and Are already making themselves at home in the "big girls' coop"
My only disappointment is that, although zoning permits Roosters in my county (on 1+ acre), neighbors on both sides have made it known that they do not like the crowing. Go figure. Not wanting to suffer the nasty notes and death ray stares from them when the Bielfelder Roosters mature, I have decided to let them go:(
My two hens will stay and I will miss the boys!

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