A Bielefelder Thread !

Bielefelder weight question.
I've seen sources stating the roosters reach 10-11 lbs. and others stating 8-9 lbs.
I'd like to know if thee is an official SOP weight and what folks own experiences
have been.
I've 4 bielefelder chicks in the brooder and I set 25 last night.

thanks all
Bielefelder weight question.
I've seen sources stating the roosters reach 10-11 lbs. and others stating 8-9 lbs.
I'd like to know if thee is an official SOP weight and what folks own experiences
have been.
I've 4 bielefelder chicks in the brooder and I set 25 last night.

thanks all

I have 2 roosters at 11 lbs. and 1 at 9.5 lbs. That is all the experience I have. They are 2011 birds. If you find Breed Standards for Bielefelders please post it, I have not found one.
Just watch them. My cream legbars were beating up on my bieles for a long time, and they still do it from time to time, despite the huge difference in size. After a winter together, they seem to get along pretty well, but the legbars still get the food first and the best spots on the roost.
I have several lines of Legbars and have not seen any aggression in them. I have several colors of leghorns and NEVER seen any aggression in them. I had one Cockerel that was people aggressive but he didn't stay long. Roos are too easy to come by. Leghorns have a reputation for being FLIGHTY and some colors are more flighty than other. My WL have always been friendly and not flighty at all. My Exchequers are little more stand offish but not to the point they RUN when they see me coming.... just keep their distance. My MFL are off the chart flighty.... I hope I can breed that out of them. Same with my Isabelle Leghorns... maybe not as bad. I think the roos in the pens set the tone for how flighty they are..... I am testing that theory now.... just a theory. I also make a Sapphire (cross of WL and CCL) to make great blue egg layers and I can't tell you how many people tell me how much they love the birds and how friendly they are.

That is my pitch for the defense of Leghorns and all crosses from them.
It is how you handle them as babies. I handled mine from 2 weeks old to ten weeks old twice a day. I would catch them and move them outside in a greenhouse in the mornings and catch them and put them in their brooder in the evenings. I had about 60 chicks and it was a workout running around a 8 by 30 foot pen and putting them in the bucket to transport...

Now they chase me when I open the door and want that attention....

Edit to;;; Meant on being flighty and being handled.
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It is how you handle them as babies. I handled mine from 2 weeks old to ten weeks old twice a day. I would catch them and move them outside in a greenhouse in the mornings and catch them and put them in their brooder in the evenings. I had about 60 chicks and it was a workout running around a 8 by 30 foot pen and putting them in the bucket to transport...

Now they chase me when I open the door and want that attention....

Edit to;;; Meant on being flighty and being handled.
I don't handle any of my chickens really. I just move them from pen to pen and they see me collect eggs, feed and water. I don't try to make pets of them. i think trying to catch them and handle them might make things worse. I think being flighty can be breed out of them. Just have to work with the calmest birds.
is my pitch for the defense of Leghorns and all crosses from them.

Well, I really do love the legbars, even if they have leghorn in them. They give me beautiful blue eggs and are quite friendly, as a general rule. I like that they are tiny and go up against the bielefelders. :)

The legbars are laying as well as the bielefelders right now, and they will be 2 this summer. I think that's saying a lot.

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