A big hello from me to you

BYC and Ducks.jpg
:welcome We have a lot of duck owners here. Some even have diapers. :oops: I lost my ducks this past autumn (foxes are suspected). It is an awful feeling.
I hope you find yourself a few threads to follow. Along with duck forums, we also have joke forums, sewing, cooking, baking and canning, gardening... Just settle in, and make some new friends.
Thank you
Welcome to BYC! Hope your Muscovy recovers completely .
Thank you he's doing well but he is losing weight I assume it's due to being on liquid food my partner wants to put him to sleep and he has tried to eat normal food keeps trying to nick our food aswel but he can't as he don't realise he ain't got a beak and don't go far enough to get it in his mouth.
Hi! :frow Welcome to BYC! No one here will look at you sideways for thinking your feathered friends are family! And lots of people with plenty of good advice when the time comes. :) You came to the right place!!!
Thank you and that's good to hear I've hd enough of abuse for saying there my baby's glad I joined this site not one single person has said anything Nd and they have all been very welcoming deffo using this site for all my family needs

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