A bit of an odd probelm which is painful


9 Years
Dec 6, 2010
Where I work they introduced something called a bum slide to get over factory lines without stairs (when I find my phone I will post a picture) what it basically is is a metal platform with a step over the factory line. The way you use it is to sit on it swing your legs over and because they are a bit wide sort of pull yourself over and climb off the step. The problem is that since using them my tail bone is now painful, sitting down at the cinema or driving is getting rather painful. Has anyone any ideas to stop the pain (I avoid the bum slide as much as possible but its not always possible)
Sounds like you have bruised the skin covering the tailbone. What is needed is a donut pillow for your car and one for the torture device at work. A life saver ring might be good there if others are having the same problem. It would be more durable and might even help to spin you around.
I had a similar problem recently but in my case it was caused by bending over and picking up my 22 lb. grandson from the floor repeatedly. I babysat him one day and the next morning my tail bone was so painful I could hardly sit! Guess there are nerves and muscles in that area that I obviously hadn't been using and wasn't aware of.

I just took it easy - did as little lifting as possible - and took ibuprofen for a few days. Took about three days for it to totally go away.

Hope you can find a way to avoid using that slide and that you feel better soon!
This started with slight pain a few months ago. Its not got to the point that watching a movie is painful and driving is worse. I will be going to the doctor on wednesday to ask him but I am not the only one complaining about back pain since the bum slides where introduced. In one of the other plants the bum slides are smaller and you actually slide rather than pull yourself over.
Well I finally got to see my doctor,and what a pain that was the surgery as a new system you ring the and the doctor rings back talks to you and decides if you need an appointment. Well I saw him and his conclusion is that the way you twist on the bum slide is causing a repetative strain injury that the bum slides need to be changed to include a turn table so you don't need to twist and padding to prevent the bruising.
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Sounds to me like they're looking at a lot of workmen's compensation cases if they don't do something and people get injured. Is there any way to just walk around and not use it? Is there any sort of union to address the problem with the employer? If you continue to injure this area you can wind up with phantom pain that comes and goes at will later, and "shooters" of pain down the nerve endings of your legs...trust me on this.
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Sounds to me like they're looking at a lot of workmen's compensation cases if they don't do something and people get injured. Is there any way to just walk around and not use it? Is there any sort of union to address the problem with the employer? If you continue to injure this area you can wind up with phantom pain that comes and goes at will later, and "shooters" of pain down the nerve endings of your legs...trust me on this.
One line doesn't have them so its up and down stairs all day, the other two its not possible to walk round what we have are wrapping machines that take 12 weetabix and wrap them in paper film these go over conveyer belts on each line there are two wrappers as the product comes down at the rate of 86 dozen a minute so the only way to get to the inside of the second wrapper is to go over the bum slides. Now my doctor as I said has said the continous twisting is the cause of the problem, not only is it the cause of the problem but it was a foreseeable one.
Well I spoke to my line leaders and am now going to have to pay my doctor to write a letter explaining why he thinks its the bum slides. My line leaders reply was those of us who are having back problems are not using them properly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so
the bum slide is a piece of metal plating 60 cm by 60 cm you sit on it swing your legs over a conveyer turn round and slide off it. My doctor says its the turning on the metal plate that is causing pain my line leader says swing your legs better

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