A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I think asking the USDA vet in your area or others with turkeys and maybe even on the State thread here on BYC.

I do not think it is recorded anywhere, When I talked to the State Vets and USDA vets when they did my NPIP inspection they knew of a couple cases but none close to me. Of course, I live on sand the scars the poop out of earthworms. Hence no earthworms, no blackhead.

When I got my turkeys I was not sure. There was a turkey farm 40 years ago about 3 miles from here, my uncle worked there and did not recall a case of blackhead. They did not have chickens, however, back them the turkeys basically free ranged a 40 acre pasture. I just decided to go for it and try, the worst that could happen is the turkeys die.

I know some will disagree, but I hardly ever worm here. Maybe once every year to year and a half. I just do not have them here. I use vinegar and cayenne pepper to discourage worms from staying around. I will worm this breeding season. That will be about 18 months from my last worming. I have never seen a worm in any of the birds I process. I figure processing a bird is a good way to look for worms. I could be wrong. I normally am.
Earthworms can be intermediate hosts for Blackhead. Having earthworms does not mean there is blackhead present.

I live on a sand dune. One of the first things that I did was bring earthworms with me. Now my property has earthworms anywhere there is enough moisture for them to survive. I have even brought in nightcrawlers. There was never any poultry here before me and there was not then and still isn't any blackhead but there sure are lots of earthworms.

I have never wormed any of my poultry and have never seen any indication of any type of worms in them.
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Obviously I have worms here. Apparently no blackhead.

10Acre....you may be close to Feedman in central MO. He'll be hatching poults.
Quote: I used to worm them twice a year, but it didn't seem to reduce the number of blackhead cases, so now I just treat as needed.

Our soil is clay, and yes we have tons of earthworms, so many that you can hear them moving in the mud after a heavy rain.
This year I got lucky... record amounts of rain, pens flooded, mud everywhere, but only had to treat two, and both lived.
Mind if I join in? I...uh...have a turkey^^^^^

Welcome to the thread. There are a lot of enablers on here when it comes to hatching. I have bourbons as well. Plus others.
I had a busy morning today! Came home with Ralphie's eggs, candled them, got them sitting upright in a carton, and then had to turn around and drive to Indianapolis to pick up some chicks I had on order from a feed store there.

This feed store is more like a boutique. It's in a trendy neighborhood where it's very fashionable to do urban homesteading. The nice thing is, that they order all kinds of special breeds from Meyer Hatchery, and have the list of what is coming in each week on their website, months in advance. And if you want something that's not on the list, you can special order it, and they will try to get it in. It makes it a nice way to get one or two breeds without having to place a large order with a hatchery yourself. (Albeit at a markup! ;) And their selection is way more varied than what Tractor Supply will get in. I got 2 Buff Brahma last week, 2 SS, 1 Partridge Cochin, 1 Dominique, 1 Mille Fleur d'Ucclé bantam this week, and in 4 weeks I'm getting 2 Buff Chanteclers.

Here are today's fluff balls:




And the Ralphie eggs:

Congrats on the ralphie hatching eggs. Hope they all hatch for you.

Hello! I have been thinking about hatching a couple turkey eggs and raising them out for this winter's holidays.  I need to research if Blackhead is present in my area, I know that much. But not much more! Currently only have chickens, anything else I need to think about when raising turkeys with chickens? I'm guessing they will do alright with All Flock and free ranging? I need to get all my "ducks" (sorry Ralphie) in a row before I present my idea to DH, best chance of getting the approval! Anyone have any advice? I live in Central MO.  I'm hoping they will take to using the coop, or the bachelor coop I will be setting up later on for my freezer camp cockerels. How old should they be at butcher, if they aren't the "45 day" turkeys that the big plants church out? Or does that depend on breed?

Welcome. I try for at least 8 months old to butcher. Bigger body at 14 to 18 months they will be full grown. Since you university extension office is in your county guessing you live in boone.

Still without power. So generator is getting a workout.

My EE pen is now topped. I have my bourbons in an enclosed pen. But due to all the bent steel roof could only scab enough for a 10x10. So their living arrange us now cut by half.

My narris and palm hens are are all in one 10x20 that was put up first. They are not happy about the arrangement. But at least they are safe and I don't have to worry about them wandering out to lay if the ever start.
In the sense of fair play and honesty I have to tell you 2 of Finnie's eggs have cracks. I used those egg sleeve foam mailer thingys.

One was in the corner which would make sense. The other was middle front. I do not understand that one. I candled all except 2 on Sunday Night, I was 2 eggs short (Or was it 3). I picked them Monday morning and candled them during the daylight in the kitchen with no lights on so maybe I screwed up and missed the cracks. The one looks like a porous egg crack from her pictures.

I am feeling bad about them, on the other note I am happy to see eggs get where they are going and not having a mess of shells and busted air sacs.

I just want everyone to know they did not all make it in one piece. The one crack is so small liquid bandage or finger nail hardener might let it hatch.
Two things....

I got my AI clean certification today from the state....I was starting to worry I sent the samples in about 18 days ago...

The other is the worming. I a so glad to see others do not worm on a regular schedule. I thought I was the only derelict on here. However, in my defense, I try to raise as drug, medication and chemical free flock as possible. So I avoid those things if at all possible, I would rather quarantine and lose a bird than use drugs.

And Yep, I know the risks and I could lose the entire flock if the wrong germs.

Too find two of my heroes on BYC do not worm really makes me feel good! I might have to have a Mikes to celebrate my doing the same thing R2elk and Casportpony do!

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