A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Love sauerkraut! Can't eat a sausage without it!!

Been rainy again. Tired of wet birds & dogs. Dont think the birds mind much. My hound takes one look outside & goes back to bed. Lazy hound!!

Everyone ready for Christmas? Who is hosting? I'm so lucky....being out of town from my family I just show up & enjoy. My sister loves to entertain. That's a good thing!!

Who is butchering a turkey?

I love sauerkraut too! We made about 200# of it a few years ago and are finally getting to the end of it. Most of the extended family has been getting their kraut fix from us for the past few years lol. Looks like next fall, we'll have to make another big batch :)

I'm such of rain and mud too. Seems like everything is either frozen or a muddy mess. It's been that way all year!

Technically, my mom is hosting Christmas dinner but she's not making everything. Every year, about a week before Christmas, my mom, her sisters, and usually me get together and all decide who is bringing what since we all just go to my mom's for the dinner (biggest house). I'm in charge of green bean casserole and pumpkin pie. My aunt is bringing had and stuffed shells, mom is doing mashed potatoes, rolls, and sweet potatoes, not sure what all my other aunt is bringing but definitely Ice cream cake since my cousin's birthday is Christmas day (it's become an after dinner tradition). There will be up to 20 of us there from about noon till in to the evening. The men will all be pretty lit by the time it's all over lol. Always a great time!
Baby thought she was big enough to assert her dominance tonight . She was telling off the Marans roo that's in the pen with them. Princess quickly took offense to her trying to be tough and quickly squashed the rebellion.


AND Little Miss Lil laid an egg today!
So I think it is happening.. a little sooner than I expected.

My 2 Turkey boys spent the first half of the day all puffed up at each other. No 'fighting' yet, but who knows what tomorrow will bring! They are 4 hmm maybe close to 5months old.

Which one do I remove? The alpha? Or the 3rd wheel?
They are 4 months old, I have gotten ahead of myself!

They are a trio, 2 boys and 1 girl.
I have some little poults still inside (5 weeks old, and 2 weeks old), and they are looking like 2 boys and 1 girl too :barnie:barnie:barnie

The end goal is to keep only 1 tom, (whichever of the eldest 2), and only hens - which will one day be 4 or 5 - I hope!!

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