A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Oh my goodness! You ARE hooked, girl! :pop I’m looking at the cabinet ones on Amazon and thinking whether I couldn’t build that myself... and I haven’t even got a rooster.

I did order more chickens, including boy ones, and of course the turkeys are straight run... I think there’s probably an incubator in the future somewhere...

I found my cabinet on craigslist for like $200. Best thing I've ever invested in (except the trouble I get myself in lol)
I found my cabinet on craigslist for like $200. Best thing I've ever invested in (except the trouble I get myself in lol)

Everyone seems to get such great stuff on Craig’s list. I keep looking, but what we mostly have on offer seems to be old billy goats and used heels. Still, hope springs... :p
x2, I'm sure she'll be just fine :)

Oh yes, definitely eggs soon!

Speaking of eggs, I may be getting in way over my head....My cabinet bator is half full already and I only have two chicken types separated, quail, and the turkey eggs going in so far :oops: The quail trays are even double stacked...I'm not setting any more of them lol. Starting Tuesday, I should have quail and chicks popping out everywhere and the Friday after, poults and chicks! It's too early to be hatching all these :oops:
If you feel the need I should have a few that we could put in your brooder just to make sure it stays full....... I only have 6 turkeys due Tuesday but the following couple of weeks another dozen could join them, depending on how they develop. Oh and 30ish , hopefully Nn, also due Tuesday.
I just need to figure out how to fix my Big brooder box for outside.... lol
Everyone seems to get such great stuff on Craig’s list. I keep looking, but what we mostly have on offer seems to be old billy goats and used heels. Still, hope springs... :p

I find great stuff in your area on Craigslist. Once I figure in the trip to SD (and wherever in the state) the stuff is, it is not a great deal.

But I am not beyond going there for something I really need. I live in Central Minnesota, I drove to eastern Wisconsin for 2 incubators. (5 hours each way).

I do much better buying on CL than selling on it. I only find cheap sons of female dogs that want to dicker me down to nothing...I just refuse to start dickering now. Take it or leave it. At the risk of being called a racist and knowing this is stereotyping, if they have an obvious Asian accent I make doubly sure we have a firm price before giving them my address and tell them I will not dicker.

Good Luck.
Everyone seems to get such great stuff on Craig’s list. I keep looking, but what we mostly have on offer seems to be old billy goats and used heels. Still, hope springs... :p
Those of us, like you and me, that live in low population areas do not find the large amounts of great deals on our local craigslist. It is rare here to find any kind of incubator on the local craigslist let alone a bargain cabinet incubator. There are some goodies that show up so you have to keep an eye on craigslist and be ready to act when a bargain does show up.
My family all thinks I'm nuts for carrying a small gun in my purse at all times. I have a bigger one that I carry every now and then on my side but I feel weird when people can see it lol

I always assume half the folks I meet are armed... that’s good. You never know when a roving gang of marauding guineas will escape the gulag...:eek:
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I find great stuff in your area on Craigslist. Once I figure in the trip to SD (and wherever in the state) the stuff is, it is not a great deal.

But I am not beyond going there for something I really need. I live in Central Minnesota, I drove to eastern Wisconsin for 2 incubators. (5 hours each way).

I do much better buying on CL than selling on it. I only find cheap sons of female dogs that want to dicker me down to nothing...I just refuse to start dickering now. Take it or leave it. At the risk of being called a racist and knowing this is stereotyping, if they have an obvious Asian accent I make doubly sure we have a firm price before giving them my address and tell them I will not dicker.

Good Luck.
Must be a Ralphie thing. I put the price I am asking right in the ad. It is very rare for anyone to even ask if I will make them a better deal. What is more common here is for people to try to get me to take more money than I am asking for.
But I am not beyond going there for something I really need. I live in Central Minnesota, I drove to eastern Wisconsin for 2 incubators. (5 hours each way).

I’m not sure I’d do that in any case :D, but I can’t always travel. I’m in charge of caring for my mom, who has advanced Alzheimer’s. It’s one reason I finally decided to get animals... I can’t go anywhere anyway.
Now I realize all that time I was seriously missing out! :old Cows and chickens are so nice... can’t wait for the turkeys to arrive. I also stopped by Running’s and ordered a buff gander to keep watch over the chickens and (don’t tell DH) more turkeys... 4BBWs because I’m worried my heritages won’t be ready for the holidays.

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