A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

This is about to get VERY interesting! This will be my biggest hatch to date (so far)

We have a flock of wild turkeys whose territory makes a semi circle around my coop/run.  Last year there were 13.  After our horrible spring monsoon last year, we're down to 7 - 4 toms, 1 jake and 2 hens.  This morning I went down to feed and, as I rounded the corner of the neighbor's barn, I kept hearing this banging noise.  I thought it was pretty early for the neighbor to be up.  Nope, not him.  His son's truck is sitting there with a shiny chrome bumper.  You see where this is going.  That tom was there for hours pecking and gobbling at his reflection.  I had a good laugh.  So did the neighbor when he went out.  He thought he had a loose piece of tin, until he saw that turkey.

Mr. T has done this and its hilarious!
well, she's at it again. I just happened to be able to see it happen this time. Pebbles has readily accepted the two poults that I gave her and as long as they are within reach, she will pull them under her and talk to them. Earlier though, I pulled one out to make sure it would eat and drink, showed it the water and food and everything, all under Pebbles' watchful eye. But, that little poult wanted to go off exploring and digging through the bedding and tried to take off twice. Pebbles just sat there and watched. I made a quick, makeshift little barrier that will keep her two poults stuck in the nest area with her. They can get about a foot, maybe a foot and a half away from her and it'll keep the other hens out. I'm hoping this barrier works and if and when she's ready to leave the nest, she could easily push it over from her side. hopefully, within a couple days, the babies will be fully attached to her and listening and she'll be ready to come out and move around. I need this to work so she gets moving again.
Oh Pebbles! I sure hope she gives it up soon. Mine are both laying in the nest box and so far no sign of being broody. I'm sure hoping if/when they go broody they aren't too stubborn.
I candled eggs again today. 18 days into the hatch.

I had 2 turkey eggs I kept. one has a blood ring/vessel. I am thinking dead. the other has what appears to be a developing poult or a mass of rotten egg.

I just put 36c turkey eggs and 46 chicken in, most of which should be good. I have 36 more eggs to go in, 2 turkey and 34 chicken. I put 48 in the fridge to eat. I have no idea how long that would take to eat. We might be eating turkey eggs in July still. I put them on craigslist at 4 bucks a dozen, and got no responses.

BTW I am thinking of getting another incubator, I am nearly full.
My commercial white hen went to laying big time. She laid her first egg on the floor of their coup, with my French Marans, which she mothers. I made her a nest which I didn't know if she would start using it, but she did immediately.
I never saw my tom, a blue slate, mate with her, but my nieghbor told me yesterday, he did right after she came here.
I didn't know what to do with her eggs and I'm extremely surprised she started laying so much and so often. I took her only egg on the 4th and put it on an incubator. She was not happy at all... especially when she went back to her nest and it was gone.
I was afraid she wouldn't lay any more, but since the 4th, she has laid 9 more eggs, and is broody. She covers them with straw before she goes to get drink and food, and she gives them constant attention.
This is the first broody turkey I have ever experienced. It's so sweet.
I moved my tom, Curly, in with Susie, the commercial white hen, so i could get more chickens in that coup. I had to make him go every night, he wanted to go in with the chickens. I used to have issues getting him in a coup at all. Last night, he escaped and ended up on my truck. I was worried because I know we have at least one owl. I tried to get him to move but I didn't have the energy to fight with him, so he stayed. I have to do something else tonight.
I'm going to build them their own coup. Should I separate my tom and my hen?
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My commercial white hen went to laying big time. She laid her first egg on the floor of their coup, with my French Marans, which she mothers. I made her a nest which I didn't know if she would start using it, but she did immediately.
I never saw my tom, a blue slate, mate with her, but my nieghbor told me yesterday, he did right after she came here.
I didn't know what to do with her eggs and I'm extremely surprised she started laying so much and so often. I took her only egg on the 4th and put it on an incubator. She was not happy at all... especially when she went back to her nest and it was gone.
I was afraid she wouldn't lay any more, but since the 4th, she has laid 9 more eggs, and is broody. She covers them with straw before she goes to get drink and food, and she gives them constant attention.
This is the first broody turkey I have ever experienced. It's so sweet.
I moved my tom, Curly, in with Susie, the commercial white hen, so i could get more chickens in that coup. I had to make him go every night, he wanted to go in with the chickens. I used to have issues getting him in a coup at all. Last night, he escaped and ended up on my truck. I was worried because I know we have at least one owl. I tried to get him to move but I didn't have the energy to fight with him, so he stayed. I have to do something else tonight.
I'm going to build them their own coup. Should I separate my tom and my hen?

I would not let a tom in with a broody. He could break the eggs just to keep her available.

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