A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

The moral of this story is that turkeys like children will eat anything that they are not supposed to eat.
The state vet was at my house Monday and as i let my jake go he flapped and caught my diamond earring :hit i keep waiting for someone to die so i can get it back :hit

Shes gorgeous!! i wish you had a tom too!! i would get some eggs off you in the spring! :drool
I have been having the bedtime blues lately. I combined my Babies into the main flock (chickens and turkeys in one coop)... The youngsters have a couple of problems with bedtime. They want to roost on the coop, in the trees and on the fence...

BTW it is not the youngest it is the oldest of the young that cause the grief. The Narragansett and above in age. We met some BYC people a few hours away from here Friday. When we got home 3 were on the roof. I have a extending pole for changing light bulbs in my pole barn. I use that t get them off the roof. It took us about half an hour to get their butts down and into the coop...

Last night I started to put them away just before dark, the 4 refused to go in. BUT with long sticks and a few prods all but one went in. I did accidentally hit the Narragansett girl in the back of the head, it really was an accident, but she ran right into the coop after the little Wop!...

The one that could not "see" the door, ran right by it about 4 times. He was about to head for the woods. I told him, "You are a larger Plump Tom, Do you know what happens to large plump Toms that refuse to go to bed at bedtime?"

I know he understands English, he immediately turned around and ran into the coop....
It might fit into the crop, but I doubt it would get to the first stomach....It might block the gizzard a tad too. OR it could be the best piece of grit the turkey ever et.
I have to watch Brandie all the time. She followed me into the work shed the other day and promptly picked up a 3/8's wrench and headed out the door. I had to chase her down to retrieve the thing. She's the only one of the 4 that seems to have a penchant for picking up odd items. She's also the only one that seems to be inordinately interested in what I have in the cart or my tool pouches on the mower.

If she would learn how to turn a nut or hammer a nail - I wouldn't need anyone else to come over to help!



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