A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Ralphie, must be something in the air or the heat... My teens started the same stuff yesterday--but the old Toms prevailed, so they (the teens) banded together and went off to their own shady spot in the pasture. The head Tom had to re-assert his dominance but once that was done, there was peace in the pasture.
Aw, I wish I found a snake on my property! I actually like them, so long as they are not hurting my flock. I have seen one once or twice, but not since the spring. I would be picking hat bad boy up and showing my husband, who would shake his head and roll his eyes... lol

That's my husband. He's always catching the snakes and holding them. I will with the shaker ones but I'm not have enough to pick up the big ones, even if they're just black snakes. We get our fair share around here and don't mind them at all since they keep mice and such at bay but our neighbor kills them on site.

@duluthralphie, it's been hot here too.we've actualy had to turn the AC back on after at least a month with it off! My hens never completely stopped laying and I'm still getting 1-2 eggs a few times a week.
For those of you that are newer to this thread, we have developed a consise way to describe our Turkey's temperaments:

LAPPERS: Enjoys being held. Wants attention.
TOLORANTS: Also wants attention but doesn't want to sit in your lap. But doesn't struggle if being held.
LURKERS: Always around but doesn't care to be touched.

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