A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

The snow brought the Russian Olives down to where they were convenient for the turkeys.







Well that was considerate of the weather, at least by turkey standards. Bet you're really glad you processed your honey last week:thumbsup
Well that was considerate of the weather, at least by turkey standards. Bet you're really glad you processed your honey last week:thumbsup
The turkeys are enjoying it, I am not and definitely am not looking forward to the clean up. I had to take a break from processing the honey in order to take care of the last of the tomatoes. The poultry are enjoying all the goodies from the garden that didn't make it. They really don't care if cantaloupe and watermelon aren't ripe.

Living alone has its advantages. I set the extractor up in front of the pellet stove in the living room. I still have three supers to extract when I get back to working on it.
Guess who was not to be found at lock up last night? Mabel decided to start sleeping with her nest at night!:barnie:tongue

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Stupid Turkeys need a calendar this year... I made oven fried pork chops in a corn meal, cajun, turkey egg breading last night...... Turkey eggs and mid October do not belong in the same sentence in Minnesota.
Stupid Turkeys need a calendar this year... I made oven fried pork chops in a corn meal, cajun, turkey egg breading last night...... Turkey eggs and mid October do not belong in the same sentence in Minnesota.
Really, I am averaging one turkey egg a day. I believe that I am down to two turkey hens laying. Something swiped the fake goose egg out of one hen's nest. I never did find it but noticed that the hen found it and dragged it back to her new nest.

At least the guineas had the consideration to stop laying when the calendar flipped to October.

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