A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

So someone has some bourbon red hens available for sale locally. I currently have the 1 tom and 5 hens. My concern is my pen area being big enough. It’s about 18x32 dimension-wise. Plus a 9x9 coop.

Probably already maxed out since I can’t free range them... too many dang predators!
So someone has some bourbon red hens available for sale locally. I currently have the 1 tom and 5 hens. My concern is my pen area being big enough. It’s about 18x32 dimension-wise. Plus a 9x9 coop.

Probably already maxed out since I can’t free range them... too many dang predators!

I think you have room for about 8 heritage turkeys based on your numbers but wait to see what someone else thinks lol
R2elk...how long did that one hen of yours wear her saddle? Seems like it was for years...if I'm remembering correctly
Yes, at least 3 if not 4 years so far. I had to replace it this year as the tom finished the old one off. It really isn't a good idea to leave it on once breeding season is over but she is 10 and crippled from a bad breeding. She also just wants to be left alone so she pretty much gets left alone.
I wish I would have decided to keep the saddles on for a bit longer. Just had a hen get severely injured after being mated by the big tom. Huge laceration all down one side, backbone to almost the knee. It's horrible. Hope we fixed it well enough and the flies leave her alone

Ouch! Poor girl :(
I personally don't plan to remove the saddles from the girls. I never know when they will start squatting again and the boys will be taking advantage. They seem to fine with them on.
I do have plans to *hopefully* build a much larger turkey run/multiple runs for breeding set ups. Guess can always get 2 more hens and either sell off or meat-camp the extras if that one of mine keeps killing babies... :barnie

Doubt the tom would object to more girlfriends. He’s got quite the harem going, lol. It’s if his “sister-wives” would be brats or not...
Hi all.
Nothing new on the turkey scene here. Except I bought a new meat grinder that some of my excess turkeys will get to try out.

The two older Toms I have left are driving us nuts. They are hitched at the waist and wherever one of us goes they follow. They refuse to let us touch them, but stay about 2 ft from us.

When we step out of the house they come running from wherever they are just to hang out with us...Silly birds.

They are more proof turkeys are just feathered dogs.

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