A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Yesterday was 52°F and sunny. Today is 28°F, overcast and at least 2* of the white sky dandruff. Of course it was and still is windy.

Yesterday the greenhouse was 94°F with the east door open, today it has just now gotten up to 49°F in there.
It’s nice here... or was all day long 35-40 but we are headed down to the teens, which is great. I need the cold to get the sap pumping.

It appears that you have been negligent. Your hen could use a beak trim.

It appears that you have been negligent. Your hen could use a beak trim.
She could!!

But to be totally honest, it’s the first time I have picked her up in months.. she is not as happy as she appears here.

She regretted being close enough for me to pick her up immediately and protested.

I did not notice her over bite until I posted the picture. Hopefully, she will let me catch her again some day..

However, if they were to act like normal turkeys and run around scratching in the sand and foraging and all it would not be so bad.
Ralphie....shes intense looking! I loved listening to her cussing that rooster!

Hey Feedman. I've been trying to get caught up in the gardens & it just keeps raining. So frustrating. Fred has nice birds! And he's a nice guy ! You know I have two from him. Both now certified lappers! They're good girls. And a couple of tanks! Really like/enjoy them. They are fun. One is quite the talker. She stands in front of me, gives me big side eye and chatters away like crazy. They both have cool personalities. Very different. But then, each turkey has their own individual personality.

Rjohns....we are in the "slight" danger zone tonight. Unless the front dips more south than they anticipate. I'm thinking you won't get slammed like last time. Should be rocking & rolling tonight here around midnight.
I am ready for a break in all the rain. Everything is a muddy mess. Of course catching turkeys this morning was an adventure. I am not sure who got muddier, me or the turkeys...lol.. probably me.
The tree trimming guys showed up a little after 7 to set up to trim limbs away from power lines. They thought the turkey rodeo was quite funny. For the life of me I could not hook any by the leg and had to herd them into areas I could snatch and grab.
Then as @feedman77 and I were transfering birds from my cage to his a hen jumped my grab and headed for the storefront. Luckily was easy job to get and of course rain moved back in as we were doing this.

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