A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Hi Finnie! Neither. I was trying to get him to go outside. Grabbed him, he was pulling one way and me the other. Lost my grip & slammed into the door jamb. He had started this new trick. Asks to go out....then backs away from the door. I got annoyed
Ah, I see. My dachshund, who is not 100% house trained, will pull this trick. It is frustrating. But, lol, he’s no match for me!
Finnie....my sister has had dachshund for years. They are a trip. Little twerps! Potty training is usually an issue with them!
I have two and they have completely opposite personalities. The older one is a little petite missy. The younger one is too smart for his own good. Major chow hound. He will do anything for food, so obedience training has been easy. Oh my- you should see his recall! It gets everyone in the room laughing cuz he is super cute running for all he’s worth. But yeah, both were hard to housebreak.
He did a number on me.

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