A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I had to explain they can't be there with out me. But the funny thing was as I was escorting them out....Daisy slipped out with them & I had to run her down. She wanted to play with the kids. A turkey with a mind of her own.
Give them a key and put one of the kids in charge. Daisy needs company when your not home.
There was 2 1/4" by midnight and another 2" this morning. The low so far has been 31°F. I saved a couple of trees after midnight. The wind came up and helped keep the snow from sticking to the trees. There are going to be broken branches especially with the Russian Olives which were already hanging low due to to massive crop of olives.

The tom was the only one still on the roost this morning.


The deck at midnight last night.

The garden this morning.



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