a chic stuck in egg... help asap


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 15, 2014
I have a new quail that has cracked the egg around 3/4 of the way and it's been like that for 8 hours now... i can still see him moving but making no progress. Should I intervene or leave alone. All my levels are great in there as I have 4 new hatched chics in there now. Please advise with any advise. Thanks
Have you been moistening the shell, protective skin? There is a video on YouTube by a Charlie Travino and vid is called Button Quail Chick stuck in egg...might give you some help?
Sorry you have to go through the stress of worrying about the little guy.
Best wishes for you both....
At this point I'd assume he's stuck to the shell & help him out or accept it won't hatch on its own. Charlie is great for tuts so I second that recommendation.

Is that the last one to hatch? If not, I'd be careful about opening up the incubator. Maybe mist more water in there when you take that one out. You don't want to inadvertently shrink-wrap all the others who are preparing to hatch.
I had to help 2 of mine out in the last hatch and they are doing just fine about 8 weeks old now.
Update, it did not make it...
Good news is I have had 3 more hatch and that gives me 7 so far and more have pipped so more to come I hope. I really do love my all blonde/yellow chic though.. I will post pic later and thanks for all the help.

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