A Chicken Love Story....Gypsy and Zane

I wanted to get a picture of her egg beside his cage, but it was raining and dark and I got busy rounding up all the girls. I'll check in with their saga from time to time.
No, he'll never be able to be with the flock again, not as long as I have the other two roosters. They want to challenge him now and if there was no fence between, he'd be beaten up or killed, I'm afraid. Zane will never have use of that leg, so he also cant be left outside a covered pen or he's just hawk bait.
Make no mistake, if Zane's zest for life, that spark he has, ever went out, we'd let him go. Right now, he's alert and responsive and talkative, he crows his heart out at times, he sends out alarms for the flock, etc. Yesterday, I went out and he was in the non-tip dog bowl we use for his food. I couldnt tell how he was in there. I saw feathers, his head was looking up at the ceiling and his leg looked bent weird. When I touched his leg, he suddenly flipped over, out of the bowl, and it was only then I realized he was UPSIDE DOWN in the bowl. I think it was a creative way to take the pressure off his legs, that are always bent since he cannot stand for long periods on one leg. He's a funny guy and we love him so much, but if he decides his life isnt good enough anymore, we'll sadly let him go on to the Great Roost in the Sky.
She did it again today, see? I think this may be her permanent nest. When the door is closed and she cant get in, she runs up and down the fence and in front of the door, looking for a way to get to Zane.

Here are three eggs, left to right:
Nora the Blue Ameraucana, Gypsy the Black Ameraucana and Panda, my BR/Amer cross pullet. (her egg is more green than this pic shows).


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