A chicken rookie's coop project...

My thoughts exactly. I had to stoop over for my first coop and I cursed it from day one. Change it while you haven't moved any further along and you will be much happier. I think you would really like being able to stand up while cleaning the run. A short roof really makes it difficult to use tools with long handles as well.
Funny! We start out with a little "shed" idea and ended up with a 12 x 24 building with a 12 ' lean-to on the back so the birds don't have to get their feathers wet. Crazy chicken people!
I agree!


Did you notice that cute smile and dimple? OOOOOO LA LA! I wish I was about 30 years younger, a whole lot cuter and lived a lot closer.... I would be their to volunteer my help
Oh and the coop is really nice to look at too. I can't wait to see more pictures of your son ..opps.. I mean coop.
Yup, lots of screws, more versatile, and you WILL change your mind about something, sooner or later.

Since you've gotten that far on nest boxes, I'd go ahead and make them rollaway, just change the angle of the floor of the nests. Sooner or later a chicken will step on an egg and crack it or become a full blown egg eater.

Here's some good links:


Looks awesome!! I'd definitely put as much ventilation as you can in the coop since it gets so hot there. That coop looks a lot taller than 5'....is it the run that's 5'? Well, maybe your wife is shorter than you and she'll get the job of raking the run. Did you plan it that way?
I love the design, it looks beautiful.
You guys make it LOOK like you knwo what you were doing anyway. That looks awesome! Im feeling inspired. We are building my first coop this weekend and I am here while hubby went to buy hinges.
Thanks for all the advice....I'll keep reading. The run is 5' tall but it probably looks shorter than
that because I'm 6'5" and my son (who is married and has 3 little girls
) is 6' 10". I
think it's too far along to change it now. My wife clean the run? She'd die laughing at me if I
suggested it. She retired 2 years ago and spends her time taking pictures and giving me suggestions
on how to do everything.
I'm planning on plenty of ventilation using hardware cloth...
everything I've read about Georgia chickens says an open coop (3 sided) is OK because of the
extreme heat. This winter has been much colder than usual but I still think a heat lamp will
handle the 2 weeks of cold that we usually get here.
Now that your son has experience in building coops, can you send him my way to build one for me? I'll pay him more than one egg, and he can just stand there holding the hammer and looking good. Nice coop by the way!

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