A Comprehensive Study of the Stink-Eye: Illustrated!

This is Roz.


She got her name after we watched Monsters, Inc..
Excellent pictures everyone. A+!

My broodies have chicks. I will have to get some more stink-eye pictures for tomorrow's lesson.
Haven't read the whole thread - but here is a stink- eye from a juvenile roo when I took a picture of his only girl friend.


I do believe he got the look from his dad...

I sure wish my camera was working for stills. Unfortunately I can only take motion clips with it.
I have a gray frizzle gal broody on a nest. She looks like a rattle snake coiled and ready to strike any hand that goes in to fish for eggs or even offer her food. She pulls her neck and head way back and into her frizzled feathers and just stink-eyes up at me. When I reach in the box...BAM!!!! She "strikes" and I get hit with that beak of hers. Owey that smarts!
Now that is stink-eye in action.

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