a coop in Minnesota (Started ....pics)

Thanks all for the warm welcome!!!

We started our coop today and we are kind of just winging it. We know pretty much what the final outcome is going to be but things can change along the way. It is a smaller coop (5x4) since our city will only allow 4 hens maximum and they are also strict with the size of the coop and how it has to look so in order to stay within the "code" we are limited.

this is the future site where the chicks will live. As you can see we still have a little snow on the ground (to the right) so hopefully the ground isn't frozen too far down??


My husband isn't thrilled about my chicken venture but he loves when I am happy and this makes me VERY happy!


The concrete is dry and the base is done. City code needed it to be a min. of 12" off the ground and max. 24" so since it is on a hill the left side is 12" off and the right is more. I think we will fence in the bottom and have some of the run under there too to save on yard space. We only have about 1/3 of an acre.


this is a view from the living room window. I love that I can look out and see them.


The hatch day is April 6th from the breeder so we have a good 5 weeks to complete this so hopefully it is enough time. It is suppose to rain the next 3-4 days straight so not much will get done until next weekend. I will keep posting the progress and any input is greatly wanted!! The max. height can only be 6' in total so the building itself can only be 5' high since the 12" gap from the ground is included in the total. Like I said our city is very strict with all this. I hate following all the rules:/ We are not sure about the run yet it has to go out the back and/or to the left since code says we have to be 10 feet from the property line so I think we will have to move the boulders and cut into the hill so it is more level. I will have a smallerish run off the coop. We either will build a moveable tractor but mostly let them free range a lot. I am a stay at home mom so we can hang in the backyard a lot to keep an eye on them while they are "free"
So we got another day worth of building. The walls are framed and 2 windows are put in. The roof is ready for shingles. There is going to be a service door on the one side and off the back will be the nesting boxes and their pop door. The chicks are due a week from tomorrow so we still have a good 3-5 weeks to finish this. Hopefully next weekend we can get it insulated and walls inside so I can paint them. Also a piece of vinyl floor. We are still unsure about the run. I will have 4 bantams so trying to figure out a good sized run without too big cuz the space is limited over there. We will also have to cut into the hill to make it level. It all has been a big learn as we go but so far so good. We are going to add 2 recessed lights in the ceiling. We are still unsure about ventilation but know how important it will be so we will get it right. If you guys have any suggestions as to what you see so far or input let me know what I could add change or do yet let me know. I am not sure about having some of their run under the coop. I have read the pros/cons on it and still weighing out the 2. We will use siding to finish the outside. We are truckin' along.....

setting it on the base


the first window!!!


the only bird I have to test out the window....this one doesn't poop all over it!


another window to poop all over


the hubby doing the roof...oh yeah and some beer...how did those get in the pics?


our lil' girl checkin' things out and one of our dogs. She is so excited for the chicks to come

Awww what a cutie pie!!! Looks great so far, i would suggest not to add run space under the coop, they may lay eggs under there and it would be a bit difficult to grab them without having to get on your hands and knees and crawl under there altho it would make a nice area for them to hide under on those rainy days when they don't feel like being in the coop. Limited 4 hens means you can have 8 banties
I love the 2 windows and im sure the chickens will love them too
well this weekend we didn't get to do much work on the coop. All this white stuff put a damper on progress......is spring ever going to come????

So we were able to get the nesting boxes put together in the garage and mounted them. Wrapped the coop in tar paper and that is about it for our progress. Good thing we don't have the chicks yet (tomorrow hopefully) It is more time consuming than I thought. The snow is pretty but not for April!!!!!


I had to get excited for a minute and think at least we're not the only ones to wake up to full winterwonderland this morning. Then I realized you are in central MN. We're right across the border in WI off of 94. Is spring ever going to come? I hear we are getting up to 50 this week!!!
We have been able to get a couple more days in on the coop. The roof is shingled and 2 vents are put on. 3 of the exterior walls are done and painted. The nesting boxes are all insulated and done from the outside. We still need to work on the interior and the back wall not sure exactly what we are going to do other than a door for me to get into and a pop door for them. The run will be off the back as well. I hope to spend another 2 full days in the next week or so. The chicks came monday so they still have a good 3 weeks before they can come out. I just want to get it painted and aired out for a good week or 2.

here is the nesting boxes. The cover is quite heavy with the shingles on it but nothing this girl can't handle. I'll just need a latch to hold it up while I collect the "goodies" Still need to finish under the overhang area with vents and close it off from predators.


I still am not decided about what we are going to do under the run either close it off or have it be part of the run. I don't mind crawling under to get them or an egg. I like the dirt....


I'm getting so excited to see them actually in their new home


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