A couple losses


Aug 1, 2021

No emergency here, just wanted some other fellow chicken keepers experiences. I’ve been a chicken keeper for about a year now and had three losses. One from heat stroke, one from egg bound, and another I’m not quite sure. She was always lethargic and sickly but she ate and drank water. She passed away today, and I’m curious if any other chicken keepers experience a lot of loss? I’ve never had a problem with the rest of my flock and even managed to have one of my hens hatch four chicks (all Silkie flock by the way). But I’m still disheartened by all the losses.

Am I doing something wrong or is this just a part of chicken keeping?
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Sorry for your loss. Did your chickens all come from a hatchery or feed store to you as chicks? Some chickens may become exposed to certain viruses or diseases if they are raised by others first. Exposure to infectious bronchitis virus, for example, can later cause some common reproductive disorders. The best way to get an idea on what has killed a chicken, is to keep the body cool, and take it to your state vet for a necropsy. They test for a number of diseases, as well as look at the organs. Here is a list of state vets:
Sorry for your loss. Did your chickens all come from a hatchery or feed store to you as chicks? Some chickens may become exposed to certain viruses or diseases if they are raised by others first. Exposure to infectious bronchitis virus, for example, can later cause some common reproductive disorders. The best way to get an idea on what has killed a chicken, is to keep the body cool, and take it to your state vet for a necropsy. They test for a number of diseases, as well as look at the organs. Here is a list of state vets:
Thank you some indeed came to me as chicks and others I got about 6-8 weeks or 6 months. The two who passed were from different breeders at different ages but both got sick and were never the same. If I continue to lose chickens mysteriously I will definitely send them to a state vet. Thank you
First off I’m sorry for your losses.

In my limited time keeping chickens, I lost none of the four I had 7 years ago when I started although my father in law did end up eating two after I joined the military and selling the other two after realizing old chickens don’t taste very good.

Got back into it 5 months ago after finding some adequate land on my second assignment and I’ve lost two chicks of 16 and then 2 hens of the remaining 14 the last two days. My wife and I too are very disheartened but wish you well and prayers for the safety and health of your remaining flock.
First off I’m sorry for your losses.

In my limited time keeping chickens, I lost none of the four I had 7 years ago when I started although my father in law did end up eating two after I joined the military and selling the other two after realizing old chickens don’t taste very good.

Got back into it 5 months ago after finding some adequate land on my second assignment and I’ve lost two chicks of 16 and then 2 hens of the remaining 14 the last two days. My wife and I too are very disheartened but wish you well and prayers for the safety and health of your remaining flock.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I wish you and your remaining flock health and happiness.
I had ZERO losses for almost 5 years. Now, I've lost 3 to reproductive issues and one to cancer. And a few chicks to shipping stress. Such a BAD YEAR for me.

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