A couple of questions....


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 15, 2014
I am just starting out doing quail and I want to do them as dog training and as a hobby with my younger kids. I have 3 hens and 4 males and so far I have been getting about 2 eggs a day. I have heard a lot of different ratios that you should have. What is your ratio and with your ratio do all your females lay eggs each day?

I live in Northern Michigan and my pen is set up in my garage so they will be out of the wind for sure but what temp should I try and keep them at so they stay happy. I don't care if they really lay eggs in the winter as I wont be hatching them anyways. I just dont want to kill them if it gets to cold as we can average below zero temps for weeks on in. My garage is not heater but I was thinking if I could keep the mat 40-50 degrees they would be fine... what do you all think?

Thanks, Tim
I raise brown Pharoah quail. I keep my birds 7 females to 1 male. I have 85% hatch rates. We have 96 breeders. And currently have about 300 meat birds. I get about 60 eggs a day

Four hens would be absolute minimum, but 6-7 is much better, the hens and rooster are much happier.

I have 21 hens currently and get 17-21 eggs a day. Mine are jumbo browns.

Can't help you with the cold temps, we have to worry about heat here.
Yes, 4 to 7 hens per rooster is ideal and yes all my hens lay daily with this ratio.

(but so do the layers, no roosters)

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