A couple very hard questions. Help!?


9 Years
Dec 4, 2010
St.Albert, Alberta
Well hello again guys! I'm sorry for not being on for so long but you know how school is so busy. I only have my duckies to focus on now because all my other beloved babies have left my world or this earth
. On to the original topic! Well I have 25 ducks, I'm keeping around eight or so and I'm selling the others in the up coming Beaver Hill Auction on October 15th but I may have a couple snags in this plan. I can only keep on male, this on male is my biggest prettiest Pekin FatHead and the rest are all girlies! I may have an issue tho... I think on of my Pekin Rouen crosses Miss Mow-Hawk may be a Mr. Mow-Hawk!!! Oh no Mr. Bill indeed!!! I think this because he/she has what I can describe as a ring around his/her neck, it quacks like a girl and for now looks like a girl but I just want to be sure. Can you guys verify if it's true or not? Is my littlest girl my littlest boy now? (if it's more help I can put a picture up)
rings mean nothing especially if crossed. I have had hen s with ringed necks many many times over the year.
Trust me when I say if it's quacking a hen quack, it's a girl
I know of a few females with rings around their necks, but they're loud quackers, so they're girls. They also have Pekin in them. Plus, they never got a green head, either.

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