A cure for out of control pecking in you bathroom cabinet


In the Brooder
Feb 24, 2019
Hey everyone. I’ll make it short, sweet, cheap, BUT without a doubt extremely effective and you likely already have it in your bathroom cabinets . Drum roll…. Vicks Vapour Rub …. Yep, that worked immediately . A little dab will do ya, on the feathers surrounding the bullseye area on your picked on chicken, will STOP the attacker in their tracks. Also works great for feather pulling/pecking. Just put Vicks on the balding area and boom, that’s stops too. Can’t say enough about that little jar. I was having a heck of a time with a “bullying vent pecking problem“ on 2 of my youngest chickens. I googled, YouTubEd and search every chicken site imaginable and tried all the methods and suggestions (nothing worked) except for those peeper things you put on the offending chickens beak. When you understand how a chicken relies on its eyes, the peeper things seemed cruel, for lack of a better word, even though I wanted to wring the offenders neck. Anyhow,I won’t bore you with the rest. Just go get your Vicks and STOP the bullying and pecking injuries for your poor bird. I will add, I’m not new to chickens, have had them for some 30 years. What I am new to, is, over achievers in the bullying/vent pecking problem and the ISA Brown breed. Quit reading and go get Vicks.
That stuff has a rather strong smell/vapour. Do the other chicken go anywhere near the one treated?
I can see it might work. I agree with you regarding the pinless peepers and I have Red Sex Links that come from a battery and they're terrible feathers pickers.
I might give this a try. At least it might clear my nose and make the coop smell different.
That stuff has a rather strong smell/vapour. Do the other chicken go anywhere near the one treated?
I can see it might work. I agree with you regarding the pinless peepers and I have Red Sex Links that come from a battery and they're terrible feathers pickers.
I might give this a try. At least it might clear my nose and make the coop smell different.
Yes it is a strong smell and that’s why it’s so effective trust me. My two picked on hens were separated and in sick bay twice for two weeks at a time to heal. They had been soooo hurt their vents had chunks taken out of them and bleeding non stop. I carefully introduce them back to the flock but each time they ended up wounded badly again. I even went to the lengths of building an extension onto the coop to the tune of $500 but to no avail. My chicken are also free range so for a small flock of 9 birds , this was just plain and simple bad behaviour and bullying for no reason on the part of one or two ill tempered birds. My discovery, came about after reading a research paper on if chickens taste or smell. Long and short of it was YES they do and even more intensely than thought before. I shrugged it off as “so what”. Then I searched for old timers ways of fixing chicken problems and because I have horses one thing that was mentioned was a type of tar (pine tar to be exact) you use on hoof problems. I have used this treatment in the past on my horses. It has a strong pine smell. I don’t know what triggered my brain to put Vicks ,Pine tar and the “paper“ on the degree chickens smell and taste, but it did. I thought of what I used on my children that smelled bad but was healing and was harmless to their bodies……Vicks. I will tell you, I did do a search on weather it was harmful to chickens but didn’t find anything. I was desperate so des times calls for desperate measures. It was either Vicks or find those two chickens pecked to death. Horrible though and not on my watch, so I went for it . I put the Vicks on the vent area of the 2 bullied chickens for 3 mornings in a row, each day letting them range all together and bed down on their own. That was two weeks ago and there hasn’t been a reoccurrence of vent pecking or bullying since or feather plucking either. I don’t post usually, however I knew how distressful this ordeal was for me, so I felt it was effective and beneficial knowledge to share. I wouldn’t post if it didn’t work , so try it. You’ve got nothing to loose…except your chicken through being pecked. Cheers and good luck.

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