A day to day following of my first 30'days with hens!

The girls were sunning themselves in this beautiful weather

They are starting to know
Me and follow me around. I love it!

Here is their coop. I now know it's technically a tad small for them according to people here but they're happy and laying and they do get to free range. They'll be going in a 8x8" dog kennel for a run soon, and be out daily all day in that. We rent our home so since we are just starting out I didn't want to build one
its a cute coop.. mine is far too small for my birds, so they get out and free range all the time.. this summer i plan to make them a bigger coop.. i have 9.. a tiny coop worked wonderful in the winter, kept them toasty warm.. :)
It's gorgeous here on Sunday morning so the girls came out bright and early. I ate my breakfast and drank coffee while I watched them scratch. They've weeded and even loosened soil everywhere I'd like to plant flowers so that's cool. I'm starting to wonder their pecking order as they've all been raised together
I cleaned the coop yesterday and filled the base with sand. I'm hoping this makes getting poop out easier and cuts down on mud. It's a beautiful day here already but the girls won't come out until I'm home tonight
It's been a busy week here and my girls despite the beautiful weather have been in the coop. This weekend I'm getting a large dog kennel for their run so they'll be a lot happier.

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