A Day With My Flock

They are in a small cage they are eating cracked corn feed and they are kukaroos. I know they need more space for sure I keep waiting thinking well march things will be easier to put them out. I want what's best ...its just so cold and after this snow ice storm I will put them with my girls. They dont have mites ....they mostly squabble with each other because there's no room. Thinking I'm saving them I'm actually hurting them. Thanks for the advice. Note to husband ....dont bring me home babies in December. There is a reason they are called spring chickens. Peace n blessings ty for responding.
I keep up with the updates for this Hannah Hollows thread, so I happened to read your posts as well. First, the bare heads on the hens out side are from the rooster grabbing the neck feathers while mating. It is nothing to really worry about as long as the skin does not look raw or scabbed.

As far as your three month olds inside, I can sympathize because we once incubated some eggs that hatched in late November and it took us a while to get them out side. If they were fully feathered they could handle some cold, but you would want to make it a gradual transition to the cold weather. But you say that their feathering is not looking that great, so I can see why you might want to wait. I noticed that you said that you are feeding them cracked corn. If that is the main part of their diet, then it does not have enough protein and nutrients, so that could contribute to poor feathering. I find that it is best to feed chickens a nutritionally balanced pellet or crumble. They tend to have 15-16% protein and the needed vitamins and minerals. If you have a Tractor Supply store in your area, then I would recommend a bag of the grower pellets or crumble. It is a little early to start them on layer feed with calcium which can be started once they start laying around 20 weeks old. Of course other animal feed stores or grain elevators or farm stores store would have chicken feed, and you could ask them what they recommend. If you want more ideas on your 3 month old chicken, try starting a thread in the Managing your Flock section, and a lot more people will see your questions : )
@ jamiesweet
I wholly agree with peck and scratch about the food. They need more the corn.

I too tried out my 2 broodies for the first time last Oct, Nov, Dec. Got 2 little chicks. What a pain but fun. Since they were born a month apart, first mom left at 7 weeks and the second mom left at 3 weeks. I then had a 7 week old and a 3 week old chicks in my storage room. Every morning and every nite I spent hours out there with them. They became very docile and to this day the older one is extremely easy going. She ended up raising the younger one. I have a large wire dog crate and would let them out to run around a little and sit on me.

Can you get a bigger cage? Is there an enclosed garage or storage room they could be in? Is there any where you could let them run a bit everyday? Day time in the coop?

Good luck!
I have two hens indoors and they dont seem to be doing well. ....feathers are always falling off and I can't put them out its too cold they are three months but not to big and its freezing out . they have been in a cage with a little roost for two months now.....they always seem starving and getting their voices but they sound hoarse. ..I hope I'm doing the right thing. This one red star is sweetie...see the top of her head....both girls have skin showing. The other is my Ruca and he's great !
Cracked corn and scratch grains have about half the amount of protein that chickens need at around 8% protein. Here is a link with the nutritional information: http://purinamills.com/backyardpoultry/products/scratch-grains/ Actually many chicken owners who try to encourage better feather growth, feed their chickens extra protein.
How much would a chicken eat if a chicken had yummies all day?

On the other hand maybe you're wondering what happened to my hens point of view stories. Well, it's dark when I leave and almost dark and pissing rain when I come home. Even the fog has rolled in tonite... Hens actually wait for me for their scratch and then hit the roosts so no pics sadly.
AND all Gorgeous George wants me to write about is Chicken Porn!
YIKES! I haven't seen anything that warrants THAT! All there is, is big fluffy butts that are way over his 22 oz body/ head, and high to reach. And no one has done a full molt for pics! I'd take a day off of work to get those pics!!! He is in love with a 7lb girl who is the nastiest, biggest, blackest Brahma broody I have.
He doesn't give up! He dances and romances her. He feeds her and chortles to her and then she kicks his butt across the yard! Poor George, that duck stomping when he was a chick really did a number on him.... Even more so, poor little Lily and Frankie who walk away in shame after he can't figure out which end is which on their frizzled frames. At least his OWN KIND Olivia and Gracie have learned how to dump him on his head! He doesn't even realize any of this!

Now, honestly, we've had the grand kids and their friends and THEIR friends and their parents, the neighbors, egg buyers, tourists etc. visit a time or 100 and I can honestly say I have never seen one chicken, (not visitor) burst from food intake! The morning after poop boards.... that's another thing! Again not the visitors...

My flock of 7 BIG girls and 5 tiny bantams all housed together, will eat until the sun goes down. Even after, if they can find a flash light like mine! I feed a layer pellet 16 or 17% depending on the cold weather or season etc. and I go through about a 20lb bag in 2 weeks. $12.60 a bag at my Otter Co-op. They have food available at 2 stations all day but hardly eat any of it. I think it's those pesky wildlings....

Now my pen is large and then there is the green house and the garden doubling the size of the whole thing during the off planting season. Still not even a 1/4 acre. They free range a lot. I fear that if they had the whole 5 acres of land they wouldn't need anything from me as they will find everything they need in the wild as chickens use to do. Maybe with the extra that the pellets give them their feathers are nicer, their health is better and they lay bigger, better eggs. Their over all condition, mind, body and spirit is better. BUT, it's fun to give them treats! The way they pick up their petticoats and come a runnin! The way they hear my car or the back door and they are all at the gate.... Too funny! Better then my trained Jack Russel who'll do ANYTHING for cookies but won't come when called....

Now what else to feed my hens besides scratch, fruit and veggies from the fridge and garden?

I have thought about suet but I think I'd rather make my own then feed the stuff I can buy in the store for the wild birds. Any ideas PEEPS?

I give them raw and scrambled eggs depending if those soft shelled make it to the house, warm oatmeal, yogurt but the chicken vet told me that really does nothing for them under any circumstances. He is the head poultry vet for agri and the Avian Influ here.

They don't like oatmeal cookies and won't touch Broccoli as they take after me on the Broccoli thing.... (Really Spell check? That is how you spell Broccoli? Huh. Learn something new everyday!) I also supply oyster shell but then they get sand from all they eat on the ground.

The other day I saw a Lasagna (great spell check doesn't get the pasta dish or did it finally???) pan in my friend's pen. I thought EWWWW! But then again, if the taste of the egg doesn't change for your buds, why not! My grandson inadvertently introduced peanut butter sandwiches to them one day. LOVED IT! You think dogs are funny with peanut butter....

My 9 y/o chicken protege next door is a great help at lifting all the rubber mats in the garden path way and big rocks, planters around the yard to hunt for worms under them! I wish he was as great at putting them back.... Recently we had a lot of rain and everything flooded and stayed that way for a few days. I got time on the Friday nite to help Frankie leave the floating wooden food dish in the green house so she could escape back to the hen house. Then I noticed what the hens were looking at... All the worms that had raised the first inch of themselves above the water line and then rested it on the gravel! OH BOY Did we ever have a good time in the daylight on Sat.!!!!
Ahhh the poop boards again tho....

So what else to feed your chickens to alleviate some of your pellet costs? Honestly, I find myself shopping for THEM at Wal Mart! Out of season fruit, berries, grapes and then pomegranates that don't even grow here! Spinnage (CRAP I am ashamed to not know how to spell spinnage but then again neither does my spell check. HA!) and salads I never get around to eating, pretty much become, "I'll get the salad but I might as well feed it to them now before it goes yukky!" You are not going to save anything feeding them anything but pellet and whatever they find!!!! Honest!

Then I have the good neighbors who come over with their "ripe" fridge stuff.... I make a show of tossing out a bit and claiming the hens have got to be full.... Toss the rest in my com-poster. (Spell check you are really getting on my nerves! I have never seen composter hyphenated!) I don't need rats to finish up what the chickens won't.

Well, one of those said neighbors are on they're way over to chat so I have to go!

Did you really want Chicken porn?

Take care my friends and chickens, take care of each other cause you're all you've got until we come home!
@ jamiesweet
I wholly agree with peck and scratch about the food. They need more the corn.

I too tried out my 2 broodies for the first time last Oct, Nov, Dec. Got 2 little chicks. What a pain but fun. Since they were born a month apart, first mom left at 7 weeks and the second mom left at 3 weeks. I then had a 7 week old and a 3 week old chicks in my storage room. Every morning and every nite I spent hours out there with them. They became very docile and to this day the older one is extremely easy going. She ended up raising the younger one. I have a large wire dog crate and would let them out to run around a little and sit on me.

Can you get a bigger cage? Is there an enclosed garage or storage room they could be in? Is there any where you could let them run a bit everyday? Day time in the coop?

Good luck!
Yes I can bring them out during the day....weather has calmed down so it'll be easier to bring the bsbes out with no freezing rain falling on their frail selves. If my rooster tried to get one he would for sure do some damage ....I can keep him in check though! Ruca ..he is up my *** most the time standing on one leg at my back door until dusk! I want these beautiful birds to grow and mature healthy ! They are def under weight . I had shavings in the cage and tried feeding them out of a small bowl. They peck so they prob got confused with what is food and what is not....they haven't learned how to be chickens. Thats my take. Its gonna work itself out with some advice and my help. Ty for talking with me ! Honestly owning chickens is rewarding snd stressful as more mouths to feed and lives to worry about but I do my best ! I'll post pics when everyone is settled. Blessings and salutations !!!
Gorgeous George sounds like one funny feathered package of hormones.

My chickens love treat time. They go crazy for scrambled eggs and meal worms, which are their favorite high protein treats. They also love corn as a treat, and they burn off lots of those carb calories keeping warm in the winter. I just need to make sure I time their treat so they don't loose their appetite for their layer pellets.
Hello friends.....my rooster has a pimple looking sore at the end of his tail feathers. Sometimes the tip is white. It looks like a huge pimple. Anyone know what it is ?

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