A Dog For Me And My Flock

No name yet. Little girl is going to be raised with little chicks. They should get along just fine.They are just about the same age. I know Ill have my hands full with this cross but I think it will be well worth the work. Her mom ad dad were so friendly. They didn't know me or my wife from jack, but they came running to use loving on use. One male dog from a previous litter was just as lovey. We were privileged to have pick of the litter. she was the happiest and friendliest of the 6 pups. Turns out she was also the biggest, fattest little bear.

She's precious. "Little Bear" sounds like a good name! :)
do not get a border colie or a heeler unless u want to work your dog and put in a lot of time and effort and have experience

get a guarding breed like a great pyr if u want omething more serious get a antolian shepherd not a herder

herders are family dogs u dont leave them alone with ur stock
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do not get a border colie or a heeler unless u want to work your dog and put in a lot of time and effort and have experience

get a guarding breed like a great pyr if u want omething more serious get a antolian shepherd not a herder

herders are family dogs u dont leave them alone with ur stock

Hmmmm, He looks threatening.

So far, after doing a few weeks of research its been about 50/50 on combining poultry and these dogs. Most say its about training and possibly family genetics. I got a chance to see my new pups Mother, Father, and an older brother. The people that raised them had many, many chickens and other foul. The birds would walk up and take food out of the dogs dish. The old male was the only one who even acknowledged it by a turned head and a quizzical look. When we pulled up in the driveway the dogs ran up to us like we were long lost friends and were very happy to see us. Belly rubs all around! They also had 3 young children. Id guess 10, 8, and 6 years old. The dogs were very good with the kids. In the hour and a half we visited I saw no undesirable traits. So it really looks like family genetics will not be an issue. So now its training. I am enrolling my wife and I and the pup in some classes. Something more my wife and I can share together with our new pup. First its a class called "puppy head start". Second comes "Doggy boot camp". Third is "finishing" school.
After all this the dog should understand what acceptable and unacceptable behavior is and obedient enough to follow our rules.
Ive always wanted one of these type dogs, go running and bike riding with me. Play Frisbee and ball with. Maybe even learn the sport of fly-ball. So even after all this she still cant be trusted with free range chickens, I'll just keep them separated.

This is the exact behavior I'm looking for:
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After all this the dog should understand what acceptable and unacceptable behavior is and obedient enough  to follow our rules.

  Ive always wanted one of these type dogs, go running and bike riding with me. Play Frisbee and ball with. Maybe even learn the sport of fly-ball. So even after all this she still cant be trusted with free range chickens, I'll just keep them separated.

heelers and border collies are very high strung but they are smart enough to understand what you want.
not all breeds are smart enough.

the riding and and biking etc that you want also,you can't do that with a GP or anatolian.
they don't "play" and they shouldn't.
i love your little pup-"Sky" would fit a blue pup for a name ;)
heelers and border collies are very high strung but they are smart enough to understand what you want.
not all breeds are smart enough.
the riding and and biking etc that you want also,you can't do that with a GP or anatolian.
they don't "play" and they shouldn't.
i love your little pup-"Sky" would fit a blue pup for a name

Sky does sound good. I run that by my wife. The best man at my wedding (Nicknamed "Bear") Named his daughter Sky. Kinda fits to name my little bear Sky.
I have been told by several other chicken keepers that a Great Pyranies is the dog you want for chicken guarding. He said his are excellent with kids, animals, and actively hunt and kill coyotes, yet are very, very loyal.
OK dinahmoe, Her name is Sky. She is 6 weeks old and taking daily visits to the chicken run and allowed to run around with the chickens. My chickens are also 6 weeks old and there are also some 2 week old chicks in a "getting to know you pen"in the run. So far she just plays in the run and doesn't pay much attention to the birds. The birds take a wide berth around her. I'm going to try to raise them together like this. discipline bad behavior and rewarding good. I hope they become family to each other. I'm going to keep this thread going as she grows and document the progress with pictures. Herding dog raised with chickens.
My heeler just killed 13 of our 15 chicks Thursday. He didn't think they belonged in our house. He didn't eat any just killed them.

I take him with me everytime I go out to the chickens and let him know they are our friends, but it didn't work.

He has killed mice in the fall and is protecting the garden and killed 3 rabbits already this year. I just don't know what to do.

That picture is great, makes me jealous.
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My heeler just killed 13 of our 15 chicks Thursday. He didn't think they belonged in our house. He didn't eat any just killed them.

I take him with me everytime I go out to the chickens and let him know they are our friends, but it didn't work.

He has killed mice in the fall and is protecting the garden and killed 3 rabbits already this year. I just don't know what to do.

That picture is great, makes me jealous.

Did he grow up from a puppy with the chickens? My thinking is that if a dog grows up with them around, its old hat. Nothing new to worry about. I wouldn't trust any animal around small chicks. Right now my 6 week old chickens are about the same size as the 6 week old pup. See is very interested in the little 11 day olds but see cant get to them she can just see then. When shes full grown I wont tempt her by allowing access to chicks. Just full grown chickens.

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