A Dog For Me And My Flock

Sky has started to bump the chickens and turkeys. She is not nipping or chasing, but every now and then she'll bump one with her nose if the bird is in her way. For right now I'm allowing it. I think its her "polite" way of telling them to get out of he way. Any follow up chasing will not be tolerated.
So far I am extremely happy with her. She is very obedient and smart. The only thing she does that I don't care for is she wakes me up between 4 and 5am every morning. She doe have a small bladder and needs to go pee. She also gets bored when no one is with her in the wee hours of the morning and she will start to cry when this happens. I will ignore the crying, very hard to do. As soon as she stops I go get her. I don't want her to learn that crying and making a fuss will produce positive results. She is getting better. Most of the time she waits to hear my alarm at 5:15am before she starts up.
May also be dominance thing kicking in or at interaction intended to do same as saying "hi, I am here". My dog does same. With mine as young adult, same pattern plays out with dog checking on each flock. My flocks are scattered out a bit. Periodically and during a disturbance (chickens indicating predator by making ruckes) dog goes to flock getting riled up and if unable to line out cause then he proceeds to check on all the other flocks in same manner. He usually makes it a point to trot through each group effectively pushing through. He seems good about not mowing / bowling over smaller birds.
I think Sky sometimes thinks she's a chicken. Or she thinks she is the only one that should get treats. Here she is stealing the sweet corn from the birds.

After 13 weeks she shows great intelligence. Knows some basic commands like sit, lay down,shake and tricks like paws up, and say your prayers.She also is being leash trained and picking this up very quickly. She knows that the chickens are mine and I don't want them harassed. She treats them like they are part of her pack. I can leave her with the chickens unattended now with minimal worries. So far so good with the herding breed with poultry.
Watch closely for the chicken feed eating habit. Mine got into it at about that age. Caused some movement problems and in my case misplacement of feeders where I had a hard time finding them.
Sky at 15 weeks. She is still getting along fine with the chickens. She can't help herself when treat time comes for the chickens. She has to go share. She has now learned to jump through a hoop. So smart.


Have you been doing anything to promote the pup patrolling at night where chickens roost? It has been my experience this is something that can be influenced by you. Pup's value as a alarm can also be promoted.
That is something that will be encouraged. Right now she barks and investigates things that a out of place.For instance, If a strange cat comes in the yard She'll bark once, come and get us, then show us what she doesn't like. She is rewarded for this behavior. I'm teaching her to help round up the chickens at night. I use a walking stick to guide the birds in the right direction. She follows the end of the stick because she likes the rubber crutch end. If I do this every evening I hope she catches on to what we are doing. Right now she is just having fun chasing the rubber crutch end.

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