A few questions on killing some roos

I wrap in a strong cloth, hang by the feet and take the head off with loppers.

Quick, neat and fool proof. The only birds that requires anything extra are older roosters. Then the head doesnt come off so I close the jaws on the neck - right behind the head - and then press down hard. The neck skin on an old rooster is so tough and the ligaments are sooooo strong that it takes some strength to get good seperation of the bones.

Buiscuit, words fail me at your question, they really do!
Thanks everyone for the replies, they were really helpful

We butchered the roosters the other day and thankfully all went well
. I did the dirty deed by laying them on the ground, putting a broomstick over the neck then stepping on it while pulling up on the feet. That worked well and the bird seemed to be dead instantly with minimal spasms. Cleaning the bird took a long time but I had no problems there either. We used one for chicken soup and the other we roasted. Their really flavorful, WAAY better than any chicken I've ever bought! Next year I plan on ordering some cornish cross chicks and giving those ago. A few of my hens will likely be broody so the chicks can be raised the natrual way.
Thanks again for the answers
Why not go to a topic that isn't under the Meat Birds title and then you won't have to read things about people *gasp* actually killing chickens?

Umm... So apparently it's wrong for me to butcher two birds who I know had a good life (raised by a mother hen, free ranged, etc) and instead I would be better to go to the store and buy a bird who likely lived in less than ideal living standards. Sorry but I don't see how disconnecting ones self from the food makes it any more justifiable? Either way it once was alive and either way it's life was sacrificed in order to feed someone. Only difference is one bird I know live a quality life, the other I have know how it was raised/treated.

Well said!
Why not go to a topic that isn't under the Meat Birds title and then you won't have to read things about people *gasp* actually killing chickens?


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Biscuit - Do you know how many cute little shoots of wheat were crushed in order to make your dusty bottom? Remember to never go shopping in the memorium section if your looking for a baby shower gift.

I know this is gruesome. But, doesn't it give you wierd kind of boost .... Unpleasant chore needed to be done and you were able to do it.

I totally know what you mean
go way of putting it

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