a few weeks on sex and breed

Zeebs looks more barred rock to me for two reasons; domis have a rose comb and your appears to be a single comb and two barred rocks have a color pattern that appears as bars or lines where as a domi has a definate broken pattern and the lines or bars are not as noticeable. in barred rock USUALLY the males are a lighter color but not always. The males do how ever have different tail feathers. A male's tail feathers start to droop or curl downwards. If zeebs is a cockerel i would think that the comb would be quiet a bit taller by now. So it is my personal oppinion that you have yourself a very beautiful barred rock pullet. As far as the mounting goes it very well could be an attempt at eastablishing a pecking order. My oldest barred rock does this but she usually dismounts with a beak full of feathers and she lays for me every day.

my guess on the 3rd picture is a pullet that has some black and copper french maran in her blood
1st looks like a hen...how old?
2nd looks like rooster
3rd looks hen
4th rooster

lol i'm not sure just what they look like to me

you can go look at my pics as i have some that look like your first one
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when you say comb do you mean the red bit on top of there head,sorry dont have a clue what all the bits are haha if so zeebs has 2lines that kind of join at the middle,near his/her nose.x
I see a rose comb on that Dominique, and I think he's a rooster. Just a slow developing one. The last one looks like a roos as well, and the middle 2 are definitely girls. They should start laying soon.

lorain's fids, sorry, Charlotte is def a boy. No if ands or buts.

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