A fun question on naming your chickens.


Sep 26, 2022
So im just curious how ya’ll come up with your names. I found that the chicken names changed from when they were babies. I tried to be cute and punny about naming them at the beginning - and then later on - their personality showed that they were named wrong. PLUS my roosters had female names because who knew what they were until they started crowing. I changed their names. My main rooster now is called Big Daddy - the rooster i re homed was called Mbappe as we was showing male tendencies during World Cup and well Mbappe is the best footballer of all time potentially. Mbappe is now named Chucho now by his new family. My EE is called Usain - besucase she had a lightening bolt shaped mark on her head when she was a chick and i thought Usain Bolt. That name stuck to her shes my NUMBER ONE FAVORITE hen .. the two welsummers are skittish, sweet and shy… their names are Little Katy who is at the bottom of the pecking order poor dear, and Holden Clawfield - shes in the middle and she mostly pecks at Katy… bad Holden. Haha. Okay the reason im asking is im incubating and hope to have cute fun names for the next batch of eggs but like they may all end up to be Lucy’s and Suzie’s Until they are mixed into the flock and show their personalities.. Or - we’re gonna have more Roos.


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My nieces/nephews/little cousins each get to name one of the farm chicks. Simple names like Racer (she wanted the fastest chick), and Marahmallow (white with black marks like a toasted marshmallow). I fill in any unclaimed/not named with something that goes with their adult coloring like Zigzag (our barred rooster).

For our flock at home, my family splits them up and we each pick fitting names. Many times they are food names. My husband just picks rhyming names for his just to be funny. I have a list of future names I like in a notes page for next go -round. Will see if any names fit. If not, within a day or two something always sticks!
Native Americans give kids names as children and change them later. I think boys are given girl names as children and they change after they grow.
I have a golden Spitzenhauben, I named her Golt which is gold in German. Then I was calling her Goltbekli peck me, later I named her Satalight. Because she would hang out by me. She doesn't any more though.
I name all of my chicks after flowers:
My silkie hen- Willow
My other silkie hen- Daisy
My golden laced polish rooster- Dahlia, I was hoping for a girl but even thought he was a rooster I kept the name
My showgirl rooster- Hibiscus, again, I was hoping for a hen.
My three silkie chicks, Bougainvillea, Wisteria, and Gladiolus.
I have more hens but those are my favorites
The names just emerge randomly for me. I have 42 at the moment, but only a handful have names.
Christmas - my grandkids named her, she's snowy with black speckles
Cinnamon and Nutmeg - white hens with brown splashes on their backs
Scaredy-Cat - named this morning. Name fits.
Scarlet - red hen who liked to follow me around
Goldie - #1 rooster, black with gold mane and saddle feathers
Roofuss - rooster who made a fuss over a snake
Colonel Sanders - 'cuz he makes good chicken
Captain Blackbeard - due to his black beard and cheek tufts
Ol' Red - old red rooster we had for a very long time
Little Shit - bantam game cock. Name fits.
First batch:
Little (smallest)
Lark (made the first peep)
Middle (in between Little and Lark in size)
Darl (the roo, as the above girls were Darl's chickens)

Second batch:
Stormy (feathers were stormy sky grey)
May (named in honor of another BYC bird named May)
Widget (cute little chick, and I like the word)

Batch of 4 to come:
Penny, Pip, Beep, Squeak, Sunny. Any of those for my 3 Bielefelders.
Button for my Blue Australorp.

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