A Goldmine of Information.

I was thinking something along those lines. my Dad used to do something similar and it kept the weeds down as well. I think it would have to be quite substantial as the foxes have got quite confident over the years. You can see them out in broad daylight in the streets, they don't run away or anything. I think it's partly due to the gun laws in the U.K. they don't get shot at quite as much nowadays. I'm a way off of needing a run but I'll post some photos when it's done, see how I get on.
Sounds good, I know that fox's are meant to be able to climb quite well so it would probably need a roof of some sort.
Also something that I've always liked the sound of but not done is to have a run which you fill with any old hay, vegetable matter, etc and that becomes your compost heap, and they can scratch around in it, and then you have a couple of runs that are grassed down.
They go into these after being in the first run.
Glad to meet you. Best wishes with your flock and with all your plans! I look forward to hearing more from you on your chicken adventures! Foxes are wily and do climb as well as dig. We use half inch square hardware cloth to cover the run - sides and top if possible, and add an apron of the same, 2 feet wide all around the run (or pavers). The addition of electric fencing is, as Dobie Lover says, your best protection. You can read about it here, and about ways to use solar power for it here.

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