A good Deed for the day with a surprise reward

ya know i wouldn't be suprised to hear of boys tossing baby bunnies around but little girls. something is very wrong there.not that boys should either but little girls. sorry i'm in shock. well that is really cool you were able to find a foster mom out of the whole thing, get a free kitty and have a place for your roos. nice little boys too.
Congrats to You and The Neighbors and all the Boys. This world needs more people like all of You. Sorry about the bunnies, but glad for the one. Good you found a good place for the bunny. Bless all of You.
Those girls have real issues and need counceling immediately. Torturing animals is horrible and needs to be dealt with a.s.a.p.it leads to no where good.
Everyone please Pray for the girls and their Families. Thx.
Scary to see kids like that - what on EARTH are they going to be like as adults!

Good for you for teaching your children respect for all life!

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