A goose egg? Now?


Flock Mistress
10 Years
Apr 15, 2009
I have my waterfowl currently on lockdown because I believe my ducks are laying eggs in the forest where they free-range during the day. I haven't found any eggs, but the area is heavily forested, so finding any hidden eggs is pretty close to impossible. The ducks and goose are very upset with me and have been yelling at me all day. Imagine my surprise when I opened up the duck house to let the ducks and goose in for the night, and I discovered a goose egg in the house. What gives? I thought geese were seasonal layers. She hasn't laid an egg since June. I am hoping she was trying to show the ducks how it's done because I've gotten nothing from them in a while either. Do geese occasionally just lay an egg out of season? She stopped laying in June and then molted heavily. She has only recently gotten her plumage back.

Thanks for any answers.
One of my geese layed a clutch last fall and hatched two but the outcome wasn't good because of the cold weather. It's not the norm but it certainly happens

My geese ( Toulouse) have been laying this month - wierd ( not heard of here in France) , normally they should lay in Spring - I have a Muscovy Duck sitting on one egg - all of the others were destroyed ( 6 eggs in total on her nest), so maybe I will have a gosling within the next few weeks - I hope so for my Broody Muscovy - she is VERY patient!

Well, the goose has been laying an egg a day since I posted last. She has also inspired all my ducks to start laying as well. I don't know why it's happening, but I approve! Goose egg omelet for breakfast tomorrow morning. Yum!
My Chinese goose laid eggs in the spring and again in the fall. She was very productive! She came from egg laying stock. I was sad when we lost her. I have Pilgrims now, and I have not noticed any fall laying with them.

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