A Ha! So THAT's where she's hiding them!


Apr 9, 2010
Glasgow, KY
My husband was weeding my tomato garden today and stumbled upon a huge nest filled with eggs.
I grabbed a bunch and shoved them underneath a couple broody hens I have and left the rest for momma guinea to raise.
Once they hatch I'll let any broody hens raise the keets or put them in a brooder with any baby chicks I have at the time.

This is the nest behind the tomatoes:

And here is momma returning to her nest:

I can totally relate! One of my girls layed her eggs under our deck for a couple weeks!
A few months back, when all my Guin-hens were broody, they all had nests in our big round bales we had piled up. Never could get to them, to afraid to find a snake. ; ) The most recent nest we found was near my poultry building, in a clump of bushes.

~ Aspen
Yes, I didn't even know my guineas were laying eggs, until I found a few eggs that were not chicken or duck. lol I am not sure how old they are so I am not going to eat them. Does anyone know how to tell if they are fresh and edible? They are beautiful small eggs.
If you put eggs in cool water, the fresh ones will sink and the bad ones will float. When you crack them open you should make sure they look and smell ok.
Crack them open. If the yolk is firm, and up-right, and you don't see any blood or such it's fine. If the yolk is runny, it's probably old, but might still be used. Just sniff it. ; )

~ Aspen

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