A Hawk Is Killing Our Chickens. What should I do?

All birds of prey are protected and the fine for shooting them would make your toes curl. I saw a post on here where someone pounded rebar posts into their run they looked to be about 6' and had shiny streamers at the top. I can't remember the distance apart but they weren't real close. Type in Hawk in the search area and see what posts come up for more ideas, that is what I do.

We also have a abundance of hawks living on a river bluff and surrounded by a woods. No netting on the run because is is so big. Once our birds get to a certain size the hawks leave them alone. For a smaller bird like a silkie you may not get to that point and then it would just be survival of the smartest I am afraid. Do silkies have feathers that limit their vision like polish? I so maybe a little trim to help them see the incoming hawk would help. My hens 24 (6 bantams) scatter into the bushes and I haven't lost another bird since July. I have kept the younger hens penned up until they get to a size I deem the hawks can't carry away. They seem less likely to attack a bird they can't fly off with but this by no means a a 100% guarantee just my experience over the past 4 years. Good Luck. I will look for that post link and if I find it I will send you the link.
Oooh, yeah, THAT would scare off even the biggest hawks!

Mine just gets ignored. I got it because the robin's were pecking at my fruit on my trees. No reaction what-so-ever. So I went back to netting my trees.
There are houses in a near town, these houses are side by side...and I mean right smack dab next to one another. One house has 4 owl decoys on their roof to keep the pigeons from perching there. It works! The house next to it has so many pigeons on it, it looks like a day at the pigeon beach. I've always wondered why those pigeons feel safe right next door to the owl covered roof but will not perch there.

I guess pigeons are just not too bright, huh? I've never tried the owl thingy either, but I've heard others say it works.

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