>*~A Howl at Midnight~*> A FORGOTTEN DOGS ROLEPLAY! Chat Thread

Hawk bowed his head to her, keeping his voice gruff and unemotional as he replied, "It's my honor, Alpha."
He then removed his eyes from hers in a show of respect to her superiority and stared out into the woods for a long moment, getting mentally lost just enough so he could find what he wanted to recall. There was something he'd been meaning to tell her...
Hawk was intently studying how the sunlight reflected just so off of a methodically drifting oak leaf when it hit him.
He couldn't tell if she'd been purposefully avoiding the inevitable task he was about to bring up, or if it'd simply been buried by all of the recent chaos, but, either way, the empty rank was something that had to be addessed for the good of the pack.
"...but while we're being open with each other, I'll admit that I've been wanting to bring up the subject of a new Beta with you."
Speaking of which, who was planned to be beta? Leopard, right?

Yes hello, it is I! Tell me what's going on and I'll be ready to jump in!!!
*slams table*
Important facts
  • War has happened, people have died, and packs are in disarray
  • Now we've got an assassin on the loose killing off uneeded characters
  • In River Pack, we're running around like headless turkeys as said apex assassin kills Dark, Sandstorm, and Silverpup in a matter of five minutes
  • Also in River Pack, there's been a lockdown and everybody's being corraled back to camp until further notice
  • Also in River Pack, a new Beta has finally been mentioned
  • E.I. Now would be a good time for Leopard to appear
  • For LJ- hmmmmm, now I need to remember which packs you have dogs in so I can tell ya what's going on there.
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