A list by a guy named Craig.



Flying by the seat of my pants!
May 22, 2019
A cypress swamp in FL
Howdy folks! :frow

So most of us are familiar with craigslist, and some of us (>>me<<) have a compulsion to read it daily. Particularly, I like to hang out in the Farm & Garden, Pets, and Free sections. Besides always on the hunt for more birds and something that fits my broke budget, I also come across a lot of post that are either comical or just down right ridiculous.

Occasionally I go through other areas pages too just because I am curious... If another member here post a link, oh you can bet I'm looking to see what is in their area, no matter how far away they are.

I invite you all to enjoy a laugh with me at Craig's expense. :gig Post up any ad's that draw your attention. Bad spelling/grammar, wrongly identified breeds, outrageous prices, or simply some good ole humor.

Try to keep it funny, or at least not offensive. No need to get a thread shut down over bad taste or judgement. I also ask that if you are going to be posting screenshots that you censor any personal information, ie: phone numbers or addresses. There is no good reason to post a strangers info on the internet, even if they have chosen to do so their self. Besides the fact that posting overly personal info is against the TOS/TOU here, it's just in bad taste to do so. :tongue

Alright, now that part is out of the way.... Lets get some laughs a rolling!
Some people just don't proof read before hitting that submit button... Also willing to sell single ducklings. Tisk tisk.

I view the pet section often and sometimes there are scam ads posted by bots. Grammar is usually terrible,and they most often are advertising puppies. They use a lot of adjectives and make up nonsensical titles like "Beautiful Pretty and Loving Puppies Want to Be in Your Love Today" and the descriptions are copy-pasted from other ads, so it may begin advertising a female puppy of one breed and then become a male of another breed or even another animal like a cat or a parrot. Sometimes they're simply absurd and make me chuckle. I'll share if I come across another. I hope nobody falls for them.

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