A long, disapointing weekend. but looking foward to Spring!

could that really happen?!
She said she candled it though.
It's never happened in my incubator...or in my hands, but there have been a couple that exploded when they hit the ground when I was disposing of them. That is close enough for me!!

I wish for this kids sake her egg was going to hatch, but at this point in time I'd say it's highly unlikely unless she's got the dates totally wrong.
I think all that bubbling gas in there is wiggling the egg. I guess I wouldn't be pipping the air cell, might get a face full of bad bubbly egg bacteria.
Oh my gosh, that would be awful if it exploded...
77, you might want to put it inside of a ziploc sandwich bag when you attempt to pip it....just in case its not good...
Yes, I'm very sure. And when i candled the egg yesterday to check for movement, i thought i saw it moving a tiny bit. And on Friday when we got the bator settled in, i felt this pecking when i was candling the egg. yes, i know i shouldn't touch it, but i had to candle it. i had to make sure it was still alive.

She said she felt pecking...
I like to try to think positive

Hope it all works out!

Take care
(guess I need to go find out how to put my "signature line?" in
I haven't read every single post on all 24 pages so I may be asking something that has already been asked and answered.

Are you trying to hatch one lone chicken egg? Are you sure it's a chicken egg and not a duck egg? Are you positive on the dates? For it to be day 27 that would mean you put it in bator on Sept. 1st.

If all of that is true - chicken egg, day 27/28, I too would poke a hole in large end of egg, peel away a tiny bit of shell and take a peek inside. I'm not understanding how it could be wiggling all this time but not peeping.

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