A lot of chickens are dying


this is a fig, this is the closest thing I could fine that it looked like. We didn't cut it open, hubby got rid of it already, and there hasn't been any since.

From what I have told you do you have any ideas what I can do for my 2 girls that I haven't already done?
I agree! Certain toxins definitely affect the nervous system! Please keep us posted. Did you find any fruit in the yard today?

No fruit, that one and only time I found it. She can't do it any more there is a 5 foot fence around the coop and the top isn't easy to put something in.

I just have to try to save my 2 girls that are in the house I don't know what else to do for them.
Okay, can you give a summary on these two girls--how long have they been ill, and what have you done for them (including does and length of time they've been on whatever).
just look at the first post I think I have everything there. let me know if I should put more
Okay, sulmet seems to be doing nothing, so discontinue. The splits sounds like mareks; stargazing can occur with mareks. There s a possibility that what is going on with these two is unrelated to each other. OF course with as many deaths as you have had, it doesn't seem all that likely, but is still could be.

Have you tried a flush? If not, try it; it will help remove toxins. I would say use molassas as they probably need energy, which the molassas will provide. If you can get a vet to prescribe baytril, that is your best course. Otherwise get either gallimycin (erythromycin) or tylan. Use the strong end of the spectrum in determining the dose. A prescription for metacam might help with neurologic symptoms; metacam is an NSAID. Alternatively, use aspirin water, or if you can get it (prescription needed) prednisone or celebrex.

Are there any vets nearby who will see chickens? THat is really your best bet/
Would they still get mareks if they have had vaccines? The only ones that didn't is the ones I got from a breeder and they are doing fine, and I know her chickens are fine. (she has pretty silkies)

No I have not tried a flush just give molassas?

I will buy one of those tommorow, And I am going to try to do this myself, hubby lost one of his jobs so I can't go to a vet. I have some of my prednisones would that work?

What about the bird that seems to be gasping? She eats drinks and poops normal. She has a slight limp too not really bad cuz she can at least move.

I just edited this, to ask do you think this one has gapeworms? I have no idea how they get it but from what I heard it sounds like this one other then she is limping. I am really getting stressed now, I am squeaky clean with them how would all this stuff be going on?

Thank you for your help, I have been asking anyone who has birds what to do.

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I know that picture is a fig, but that is the closest to the fruit that I found. Some farmer out here I asked said some pears are round, I got to ask hubby where he put that fruit tomorrow to see if I can get a picture to give you a better idea. But if it was a fig, can I fix the girls that are sick right now do you think?

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