A lot of folks dont think chickens have emotions...

Personally I do think it is wrong to impose human emotions on every critter but I say that simply because I think they have their own. This is related to intelligence in my mind and so our emotions are often more complicated than theirs but still I’m sure they do have their own. For instance all creatures experience fear. When being chased by an aggressive or hungry dog regardless of species there is a reaction, it comes from instinct and if the creature survives the pursuit there is resulting emotional fear from which learning takes place. So while I believe we share that I’m sure my chickens don’t fret World War III getting started or fret any over Avian Influenza making them sick. They lack the intelligent foresight for that, and frankly I’m envious some days of their ‘ignorant’ bliss. I have seen joy, happiness and sadness in all my critters but it is relative to their world, not mine. It’s about things that make sense to them and are important in their culture or call it social structure if you like, and yes just like us instinct is often the basis or start of the emotional response.

Thanks to all for making this an interesting and civil discussion.
Your chickens should talk to mine a regular plane goes over and nothing, but when one of the big prop planes goes over (either to dover airbase, or th national guard), they all take off and run under bushes or back into the coop. Maybe its just me but I think they fear war in general, or it might just be the different noise of the props. I choose to think my chickens do not want war, they are peace loving birds.
Personally, I have enjoyed the debate.
I hope my sarcasm hasn't ruffled any feathers; much of what I say is tongue in cheek and sometimes a veiled poke at me.

As I have said, I have enjoyed this debate and would love to see credible, persuasive arguments with sources sited, that prove me wrong (although I doubt such proof exist
But seriously, whether chickens have emotions and the extent of their intelligence is something I could continue to debate without any feelings of hostility towards those who disagree with me and to anyone who says other wise, I just want you to know that I hate you.

Seriously though, I'm game to continue, but I do think at this point people (includeing myself) will need to do some research if they want to back up their statements.

If the debate is drawing to a close, then I salute all who have participated.
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This is a great thread, thanks to everyone for keeping it civil. Isn't it amazing how we can all state and hear opposing opinions and still get along.

I think that animals don't have the same sense of self as humans...no sense of their own mortality, so I don't think dread can mean the same thing. A dog may learn to dread going to the vet, because they associate the kennel and the car ride with getting sharp pokes in uncomfortable places. But, having put my dog to sleep due to cancer a few years ago, I don't think the thought ever crossed her mind that she might not come back from the vet.

I think chickens look for their flock mates when they are missing, but I don't think they comprehend that anything could happen to THEM.
we impress me.......It's been fun to discuss, debate, postulate while keeping it light hearted and civil.
I do not put diapers on my chickens, I wanted to but it chafes and makes them angry.
David, if you want to slap diapers on your chickens and bring them in to watch CSI, it's ok. You don't have to see if anyone else does first.
I told my DH that people put saddles on their chickens for the males so they don't ride the girls backs bare, he said.....You are NOT putting saddles, or anything else on our chickens, and that's that.........!!!! I said ok we'll let the roo tread them bare, he said good, and don't be thinkin about no diapers either!!!
David, I think CSI might be a little bit above their head. You would end up being miserable having to explain the key points of the show to them!

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