A message from the fathers' waiting room:

How wonderful!!! I will be pacing the hall way for you!
This was my boyfriends first hatch!

I brought the egg in, looked like a complete egg with a tiny little pin-prick of a hole. I tapped it in front of him and it chirped!

The smile that spread on his face was hilarious and just plain awesome!
#2 is out now. It might be a blue.
Edit: I think it might have come out too soon, or something. It seems to still be attached to the yolk in the shell. It is out of the shell except its rear is still in the large, bottom part of the shell. I hope it survives, but it ain't lookin' good.
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start running around yelling, "Towels! And hot water, lots of hot water! Where are those towels!"

also, if you could faint once or twice, it makes for more realistic delivery.


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